West led the diamond five. Easts king was taken by declarers ace. The spade king was led, won by Easts ace, and a spade return won by Wests queen, South discarding a club. West played the heart queen, Souths ace winning, and a club was led, East winning the ten. East played a small spade, South discarding a diamond, West ruffing with the jack. A club was ruffed by declarer who led the diamond jack, West winning the queen. A club return was ruffed by South. Declarer lost a diamond and a heart for down two. | | North led the heart four; South won the ace and continued a heart to declarer. A diamond to dummys nine was won by Souths ace, and a heart returned; declarer pitching a spade, North ruffing. A spade was taken by dummys ace and a club led to declarers ace. A diamond was won by South and a heart return ruffed by declarer, who drew the remaining trumps, finessed North in clubs and claimed the rest for his contract. |