Event AW58 Main

Como, Italy

January 25 - Feb 3, 1958

1958 Bermuda Bowl

Final: Italy vs. America

 by Richard Pavlicek

Segment 1

1. N deals
None vul
H A 9 6 5 4 2
D A 8 3
C K Q 4
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 HPass1 S1 H1 SDbl
Pass2 HAP2 C2 SPass3 H
Pass4 HAP
East led the diamond king. North won the ace and cashed the spade king. Declarer then won the heart ace and led a club to dummy’s jack, West winning the ace. A diamond was led to East’s queen. East cashed the two high trumps and declarer claimed the balance, making three-odd.East led the diamond king. North won the ace and cashed the heart ace. A heart lead was won by East who led the club ten. West won the ace and led a diamond to East’s queen. Defenders took the remaining high trump for down one.

RP note: This match was scored by IMPs but not the familiar 0-24 scale. In 1958, a 0-12 scale was used, hence fewer IMPs. Italy’s gain of 3 IMPs on Board 1 would be 5 IMPs today.
S J 8
D 10 9 5 4 2
C A 7 6 5 2
Table S 10 7 6 5 3
H K Q 8
C 10 8 3
88976 =
45367 =
Par NS +140
S A Q 9 4 2
H 10 7 3
D J 7 6
C J 9

Italy NS
2 H N +1 +140
 +3 3

  America NS
  4 H N -1 -50
   -3 0

2. E deals
N-S vul
S K Q J 6 3
H 9 4
D 6 5 2
C J 9 7
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 SPass1 S
Pass2 SPass4 S (AP)2 CPassPassDbl
Pass3 SPass4 S (AP)
West led the club deuce. East won the ace and returned a club, South winning the king. Declarer drew two trumps and played the heart queen. West ducked. Declarer now crossed to dummy’s spade king and ruffed dummy’s last club. The heart king was taken by West’s ace. A diamond was led and East’s king lost to South’s ace. Declarer crossed to dummy with a spade and successfully finessed the diamond ten, making five-odd.West led the club deuce. East won the ace and led the diamond four. South took the ace, drew two trumps and cashed the club king. He crossed to dummy’s spade king and ruffed the last club. The heart queen was then led, West winning the ace. A heart was returned to South’s king. Declarer crossed to dummy with a spade and led a diamond. East won the king and declarer claimed the balance to make his contract.
H A 10 6 2
D 9 8 3
C Q 8 6 5 4 2
Table S 8 4 2
H J 8 7 5 3
D K J 4
C A 10
AB384 =
22939 22A59
Par NS +300
S A 10 9 7 5
D A Q 10 7
C K 3

Italy NS
4 S S +1 +650
 +1 4

  America NS
  4 S S = +620
   -1 0

3. S deals
E-W vul
S 3 2
H Q 6
D A 10 3
C J 10 8 5 4 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 S1 S
Dbl3 C3 H3 SDbl2 C2 HPass
4 HPassPass4 S4 HPassPass4 S
South led the spade ace. This won and South shifted to a small club. Declarer won, drew trumps, and conceded one diamond trick to make his contract.South led the spade king. It held and South shifted to the club six. East won the trick in dummy, drew trumps and conceded the diamond ace to make his contract.
S 9
H A J 9 8 7 4 2
D K Q 6
C A 3
Table S J 8 6 5
H K 10 5 3
D J 9 7
C K 9
49269 =
64B64 =
Par NS -300
S A K Q 10 7 4
D 8 5 4 2
C Q 7 6

Italy NS
5 H E = -650
 Tie 4

  America NS
  5 H E = -650
   Tie 0

4. W deals
Both vul
S 8 4
H K 8 6 3
D Q 10 5 2
C K Q 5
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 DPassPass1 S1 CPass1 D1 S
Dbl1 NTAP2 D2 SPassPass
3 DDblAP
East led the diamond jack. West took the king and led a small club, declarer taking the king. A spade was led, East playing low, and the ten winning in dummy. The heart ten was taken by West’s ace and the club ace was cashed. A third club was won by declarer who led the diamond queen, West winning the ace. A heart was won by declarer, the diamond ten cashed, East discarding a spade. Declarer led a spade to dummy and claimed the rest.South led the spade king. This won and South shifted to the heart ten. Dummy’s queen lost to the king and a heart return was won in dummy. A small diamond was led from dummy’s, North winning the queen. Another heart lead was won by declarer who played the spade queen. South ducked and declarer ruffed in dummy. A diamond was led to the jack and a spade led, declarer discarding a club, North ruffing. Declarer had to concede a club trick for down one.
S 9
H A Q 2
D A K 8 7 6 4
C A J 4
Table S Q J 7 5
H J 7 5
D J 9
C 10 8 7 6
68756 =
75687 65687
Par NS +110
S A K 10 6 3 2
H 10 9 4
D 3
C 9 3 2

Italy NS
1 NT N +2 +150
 -1 4

  America NS
  3 D× E -1 +200
   +1 1

5. N deals
N-S vul
S 7 6 4
H Q J 7 5 3
D 5 4
C Q 8 6
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
PassPass1 SPassPass1 S
PassPassDblPassPass1 NT2 CAP
North led the spade seven. South’s king took dummy’s queen and a low heart was led. Declarer won the king and led a spade, South winning the jack and cashing the heart ace. The spade ace was ruffed in dummy. Declarer drew four rounds of trump, North discarding two hearts. A heart was led and North won the queen. North had only clubs to lead and declarer claimed the balance making three-odd.South led the spade king. This held and South led the heart six, ducked in dummy, and won by North’s jack. A spade return was taken by South who cashed the heart ace and shifted to a diamond. Declarer won, drew two rounds of trump and claimed the rest after conceding the club queen, to make his contract.
S 10 9 8
H K 8 2
D K Q J 9
C K 7 4
Table S Q 3
H 10 9 4
D A 8 7
C A J 10 9 5
46633 =
767AA =
Par NS -130
S A K J 5 2
H A 6
D 10 6 3 2
C 3 2

Italy NS
2 D W +1 -110
 -1 4

  America NS
  2 C E = -90
   +1 2

6. E deals
E-W vul
H A K 8
D 9 7 5 3
C Q J 10 7
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 CPass1 NTPass
1 SPass2 SPass2 SPass3 SPass
3 HPass3 NTPass4 DPass4 SAP
North led the club jack. Declarer won the ace, took the spade ace and cashed the club king, discarding a heart. Declarer then played three diamonds, discarding another heart. He then conceded a heart and a spade, making five-odd.North led the heart king. This held and North won the heart ace and shifted to a club. West won the ace, played a spade to the ace, and conceded the spade king to make his contract.
S J 10 9 8 7 5 4
H J 10 6
D A 2
Table S A 6 3
H 3 2
D K Q 8
C K 8 6 3 2
62665 =
7A668 =
Par NS -620
S 2
H Q 9 7 5 4
D J 10 6 4
C 9 5 4

Italy NS
4 S W +1 -650
 -1 4

  America NS
  4 S W = -620
   +1 3

7. S deals
Both vul
S A 8
H A Q 8 5
D 8 6 2
C A Q 9 3
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 DDbl1 SPass1 SDbl3 SDbl
2 SDbl3 S4 H (AP)Pass4 HAP
West led the spade king. Declarer won in dummy and led a diamond to the jack, West winning the queen. Declarer ruffed a spade return and led the diamond king. West won, and a third diamond was ruffed by East. A heart was led and declarer had to lose a trick to East’s club king for one down.East led the diamond five. Dummy’s jack lost to West’s queen. West cashed the diamond ace and led a diamond which East ruffed. A spade return was won by declarer who drew trump and eventually had to lose a trick to East’s club king for down one.
S K Q 10 9
H J 4
D A Q 9 7
C 10 5 2
Table S J 7 6 5 3 2
H 10 7 6
D 5
C K 7 4
64999 64A99
59344 =
Par NS +200
S 4
H K 9 3 2
D K J 10 4 3
C J 8 6

Italy NS
4 H S -1 -100
 Tie 4

  America NS
  4 H N -1 -100
   Tie 3

8. W deals
None vul
S Q J 4 2
H 9 8 4 2
D K Q 9 4
C 7
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
PassPassPass1 CPassPassPass1 C
Pass1 DPass2 HPass1 DPass2 H
Pass3 HPass4 H (AP)Pass3 HPass4 H (AP)
West led the spade five. Declarer won in dummy with the queen and led a heart to the ace. A diamond to the king was won by East who played the heart queen. Declarer won, drew the last trump, cashed the ace and king of clubs and conceded a club to East’s queen, making five-odd.West led the diamond six. Dummy’s queen was permitted to hold. A club was won by declarer’s ace and a diamond to dummy’s king lost to East’s ace. A spade lead was ducked by South, West winning the king and leading a diamond which South ruffed. Declarer cashed the ace and king of trumps and when the queen fell, he claimed the balance, making five-odd.
S K 10 8 5 3
H 10 5 3
D 8 6 2
C 4 3
Table S 9 6
H Q 6
D A J 10 7
C Q 8 6 5 2
A9B9A =
24243 =
Par NS +450
S A 7
H A K J 7
D 5 3
C A K J 10 9

Italy NS
4 H S +1 +450
 Tie 4

  America NS
  4 H S +1 +450
   Tie 3

9. N deals
E-W vul
S A K 9 8
H Q 9 8 3
D K 7 2
C 7 4
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 S2 H4 SPass1 H2 S
PassPassPass4 H4 SAP
East led the heart king. Declarer ruffed in dummy, cashed two high spades and led a diamond to dummy’s queen. North had to lose a club and two diamonds, making his contract.West led the club king. South won the ace, drew two trumps, and lost a club to West’s queen. A diamond was led, East playing the ten, declarer winning the queen. A club was ruffed in dummy and declarer lost two diamonds, making his contract.
H 10 6 5 2
D 6 3
C K Q J 6 3 2
Table S 10 4
H A K J 7 4
D A J 10 4
C 8 5
8A474 =
53958 53959
Par NS +420
S J 7 6 5 3 2
D Q 9 8 5
C A 10 9

Italy NS
4 S N = +420
 Tie 4

  America NS
  4 S S = +420
   Tie 3

10. E deals
Both vul
S Q J 7 5
H A 8 5
D K J 5 2
C 8 6
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 HPass1 D
Pass1 SPass3 DPass1 SPass2 NT
Pass4 HAPPass3 DPass3 S
Pass3 NTAP
West led the club ace. A second club was played to East’s king. A spade was led, South winning the ace. Declarer drew three rounds of hearts and played diamonds and spades until East took his high trump, declarer claiming his contract.West led the club deuce. East won the king, returned the jack, and West ran six club tricks. Declarer claimed the rest, down two.
S 9 8 4 2
H 9 7
D 10
C A 10 9 7 5 2
Table S 10 3
H J 10 6 3
D 9 8 7 4
C K J 4
7BAB5 =
22317 =
Par NS +650
S A K 6
H K Q 4 2
D A Q 6 3
C Q 3

Italy NS
4 H S = +620
 +7 11

  America NS
  3 NT S -2 -200
   -7 3

11. S deals
None vul
S K 9 8
H A K Q 9 8 2
D 8 6 4
C 7
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 C1 C
1 D2 DPass2 NT1 D1 HPass1 NT
Pass3 HPass3 NT (AP)Pass3 HPass3 NT (AP)
West led the diamond five. South won, cashed two hearts, West discarding a spade, and finessed the club jack. Declarer cashed a high club, East dropping the queen. A spade was led, West taking the ace. Another club lead was won by South who cashed the spade king, heart queen, spade queen, and threw West in with a small club. Declarer got another diamond to make four-odd.West led the diamond three. South won, cashed two high hearts in dummy, West discarding a diamond, and finessed the club jack. Declarer cashed two high clubs and threw West in with a club. A diamond return was won by South who cashed the last club and threw West in with a diamond. West could cash only one more diamond and the spade ace, declarer making his contract.
S A 10 4
H 10
D A Q 9 5 3
C 9 8 6 3
Table S J 7 6 2
H J 7 5 3
D 7 2
C Q 10 4
87877 9898A
45353 =
Par NS +400
S Q 5 3
H 6 4
D K J 10
C A K J 5 2

Italy NS
3 NT S +1 +430
 +1 12

  America NS
  3 NT S = +400
   -1 3

12. W deals
N-S vul
S K 8 6 2
H 10 9 4 3
D 9 8 7
C K 3
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 CPass1 SPass1 CPass1 NTPass
2 DPass2 HPass2 CPass2 SPass
3 HPass5 HPass2 NTPass3 HPass
South led the club jack. The ace in dummy won and a club was ruffed, dropping North’s king. A diamond shift was taken by South and a diamond return won in dummy. A third club was ruffed by declarer, North discarding a diamond. Declarer drew three rounds of trump and led a diamond. North ruffed and declarer still had to lose a spade for down two.South led the diamond ace. A second diamond was won in dummy. Declarer played three trumps, crossed to the spade ace and took the last two hearts. He played a club to dummy’s ace and cashed the two diamonds to make his contract.
S 3
D K Q J 2
C A Q 8 6 2
Table S A J 10 9 7
H A 8 7 5 2
D 10 5
C 4
33234 =
Par NS -450
S Q 5 4
H 6
D A 6 4 3
C J 10 9 7 5

Italy NS
6 H E -2 +100
 +6 18

  America NS
  4 H E = -420
   -6 3

13. N deals
Both vul
H 10 5 3
D K Q 9 4
C J 8 7 4 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
PassPass1 SPassPass1 S
Pass1 NTAPPass1 NTAP
East led the diamond three. West won the ace and returned a diamond, won in dummy by the jack. A club was led, East winning the ten. The spade nine dropped the queen under West’s king and a club return was won in dummy with the ace. A third club was led to East’s queen and a spade play taken by dummy’s ace. A spade lead to West’s seven held and West cashed the spade jack, a third spade throwing the lead back to dummy’s ten. A heart was led, East winning the queen and an other heart to West’s ace set the contract two tricks.East led the diamond three. West won the ace and returned a diamond, dummy’s jack winning. A club was led, East winning the ten and the defenders took another club, two hearts, a spade and a diamond for one down.
S K J 8 7 6
H A 8 6 2
D A 7
C 6 3
Table S 9 4
H Q J 7
D 10 8 6 3 2
C K Q 10
55568 =
88875 =
Par NS -120
S A 10 5 3 2
H K 9 4
D J 5
C A 9 5

Italy NS
1 NT N -2 -200
 -2 18

  America NS
  1 NT N -1 -100
   +2 5

14. E deals
None vul
H K Q J 7 6 5 4
D Q 9 8
C 9 6 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 H1 S1 H1 S
Dbl2 HDbl3 DDbl2 HDblAP
West led the diamond deuce. Dummy’s nine won and a heart lead was taken by East’s ace. Defenders won two clubs and a third club was ruffed by South. Declarer ruffed a spade in dummy and played the heart queen, discarding a spade, West ruffing. A diamond was returned and declarer took a total of seven tricks for down two.East led the club ace. This held and a diamond was led, taken in dummy with the ace. The heart ten was taken by East’s ace and a club taken by West’s ten. A diamond was ruffed by East, a club played to West’s queen, and a diamond ruffed for down one.
S A K J 6 3
D 6 4 3 2
C Q 10 8 3
Table S 10 5 2
H A 9 8 3 2
D 5
C A K J 5
53763 =
8A56A =
Par NS -420
S Q 9 8 7 4
H 10
D A K J 10 7
C 7 4

Italy NS
3 D× S -2 -300
 -3 18

  America NS
  2 H× N -1 -100
   +3 8

15. S deals
N-S vul
S A 9
H K Q 7
D Q 10 4 2
C Q 9 5 3
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 D1 S2 D1 SPass2 CPass
4 SAP2 HPass4 SAP
South led the diamond five. Declarer won in dummy and led a spade. North won the ace. Defenders had to get two heart tricks and declarer made the contract.North led the diamond deuce. Declarer won the ace and led a spade, North winning the ace. A club shift was taken in dummy. Trumps were drawn and declarer conceded two hearts to make his contract.
S Q J 8 2
H A 10 8 6 3
D A 9 8
C 10
Table S K 10 7 6 5 4
H 9 5 2
D 7
C A K 4
43388 =
8A955 =
Par NS -420
S 3
H J 4
D K J 6 5 3
C J 8 7 6 2

Italy NS
4 S E = -420
 Tie 18

  America NS
  4 S W = -420
   Tie 8

16. W deals
E-W vul
S K 5
H A Q 7 6 5 4 2
D Q 4 3
C 4
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 HDbl1 SPassPass1 D2 S
Pass2 HPass3 HPassPassPass
Pass4 HAP
East led the diamond seven. West won the ace and led a spade, East taking the ace. East cashed the club ace and declarer claimed the balance to make his contract.West led the diamond ace. A second diamond was ruffed and a spade to dummy’s king ducked by East. A club was won by East’s ace and the diamond king played, South discarding a club. The spade ace was taken by East and declarer claimed the balance, making three odd.
S 8 7 2
H J 9
D A 9 6 2
C J 10 9 2
Table S A 10 6
H 8
D K J 8 7 5
C A Q 5 3
69A44 =
63399 =
Par NS +420
S Q J 9 4 3
H K 10 3
D 10
C K 8 7 6

Italy NS
4 H N = +420
 +4 22

  America NS
  2 S S +1 +140
   -4 8

Italy leads by 14 IMPs

Match AW58 MainTop 1958 Bermuda Bowl Final

Segment 2

17. N deals
None vul
S Q 2
D 4
C A K 10 9 8 5 4 3
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 C1 S2 H1 C1 SPass
Pass4 CPass4 HPass3 CPass3 S
Pass5 CAPPass5 CPass6 C (AP)
East led the club jack. Declarer won the king, took the club ace and led a diamond. East won the ace and declarer claimed the rest, making an overtrick.East led the diamond ace. This held and a second diamond was led, taken by dummy’s king, declarer discarding a spade. When trumps broke, declarer spread his hand, making the slam.
S 7 6
H Q J 5 3
D Q J 10 9 6 3
C 6
Table S K J 10 9 4
H 9 8
D A 8 5 2
C675C B675B
16581 =
Par NS +900
S A 8 5 3
H 10 7 6 4 2
D K 7
C 7 2

Italy NS
5 C N +1 +420
 -6 22

  America NS
  6 C N = +920
   +6 14

18. E deals
N-S vul
S J 3
H A Q 9 8 7 5
D A K J 3
C 6
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 DDblPass1 S
1 SDblPass1 NTPass2 HPass3 H
2 C2 DPass2 NTPass4 NTPass5 D
Pass3 HPass3 NT (AP)Pass6 HAP
West led the club four. South won, led a small heart, winning West’s king with dummy’s ace. Declarer crossed to the heart jack, ran three clubs, four hearts, and two diamonds, making six-odd.East led the diamond four. Declarer won the jack, played a club to dummy and discarded two spades on dummy’s clubs. The heart king was taken by declarer who claimed the balance to make his slam and an overtrick.
S A Q 7 2
D 10 6 5
C 9 7 5 4 2
Table S 9 6
H 10 6 3
D Q 9 7 4 2
C 10 8 3
12142 =
Par NS +1440
S K 10 8 5 4
H J 4 2
D 8

Italy NS
3 NT S +3 +690
 -7 22

  America NS
  6 H N +1 +1460
   +7 21

19. S deals
E-W vul
S 9 6 2
H 9 8 2
D Q J 9 7 6
C Q 10
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
PassPass1 SPassPassPass1 CDbl
1 NTPass3 CPass1 H3 D3 SAP
3 HPass3 SPass
South led the diamond eight. Dummy played low, and North’s jack was allowed to win. East won the diamond continuation with his ace and led the heart king, which won. He then led spade queen, and South took the king and returned a small one. East won the spade eight and cashed the ace and ten of spades. Declarer then led the club king; South took the ace, and North dropped the queen. East still had to lose a trick to South’s club nine; down one.South led the diamond ten. Declarer won the ace and led the heart king (ducked) then the spade ace, jack (ducked) and queen. South won the king and led the diamond eight to dummy’s king. A club was led, North put up the queen, East the king, and South won and led the heart ace. Declarer ruffed, cashed the club jack and conceded a trick to the nine, claiming the rest for an overtrick.
S 4
H Q J 10 4 3
D K 5 4 3
C 5 3 2
Table S A Q J 10 8
D A 2
C K J 8 6 4
43353 =
9998A 99A8A
Par NS -620
S K 7 5 3
H A 7 6 5
D 10 8
C A 9 7

Italy NS
3 NT W -1 +100
 +4 26

  America NS
  3 S E +1 -170
   -4 21

20. W deals
Both vul
S K Q 10 9 8
D A 9 6 5 4 2
C Q 7
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 S2 C2 HPass1 DDblRdbl
Pass3 DPass3 NT1 H1 SPass1 NT
Pass4 SAP2 H2 SPass3 D
Pass4 DPass5 D (AP)
East led the club five. Declarer let this run to his club queen, and played a small spade to dummy’s jack, which held. The next spade lead was won by East’s ace, and he returned another club, taken by dummy’s ace. The diamond queen was led and passed, and East took the diamond king. He played a third club which declarer ruffed. North now cleared the trumps, and when the jack of diamonds dropped under the ace, he claimed the rest of the tricks, making five-odd.East led the heart ace. Declarer trumped, and led the ace and a small diamond. East was in with the king, and declarer conceded the spade ace and claimed the balance, since the heart king furnished a discard for North’s losing club. North-South had lost two tricks and made their contract of five diamonds.
S 7 5 2
H Q J 9 8 5 3
D J 7
C J 3
Table S A 6 3
H A 10
D K 3
C K 10 8 5 4 2
7B5B6 7A5A6
32827 =
Par NS +650
S J 4
H K 7 6 4 2
D Q 10 8
C A 9 6

Italy NS
4 S N +1 +650
 +1 27

  America NS
  5 D N = +600
   -1 21

21. N deals
N-S vul
S 10 5
H J 9 4
D Q 9 6 3
C A Q 8 6
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 SPassPass1 SPass
2 SAP3 SPass4 SAP
South led the club five, North played the eight, and declarer won the jack. Declarer led a small diamond to dummy’s king, and took a spade finesse, his queen losing to South’s king. South returned the club four, and North took the queen, and led the spade ten which was won in dummy by the jack. West led the club ten. East ruffed, cashed the diamond ace, ruffed a diamond in dummy, and played a heart up to his king. South took the ace and returned a heart, and when declarer finessed the heart ten, North’s jack was the defender’s last trick. East made his contract with an overtrick.South led the five of diamonds. North’s diamond queen was taken by East’s ace. Declarer led the jack of clubs and North took the queen and cashed the club ace. His next club play was trumped by East, and declarer now went to dummy with the diamond king and took a spade finesse which lost to South’s spade king. East still had to lose a heart trick to South’s ace; down one.
S J 6 4 3
H Q 10 3
D K 2
C K 10 9 7
Table S A Q 9 8 2
H K 6 5
D A J 4
C J 2
44665 =
99778 =
Par NS -400
S K 7
H A 8 7 2
D 10 8 7 5
C 5 4 3

Italy NS
2 S E +1 -140
 -3 27

  America NS
  4 S E -1 +50
   +3 24

22. E deals
E-W vul
S J 9 6
H K 9 6 5
D 9 6 4
C 8 4 3
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 SPass1 SPass
2 DPass3 DPass2 DPass2 SPass
North led the heart five. South won the heart ace and returned the heart three. North took his king of hearts, and the defenders could make no more tricks. Declarer now had the jack of hearts, the diamond ace, five spades and four clubs which gave him his contract with two overtricks.North led the heart five. South took the heart ace and returned a heart to his partner’s king. North played a third round of hearts which declarer won with the jack. Declarer cashed five spades, four clubs and the ace of diamonds, making five notrump.
S K 10
H J 10 7
D A Q 8 7
C Q 10 6 5
Table S A Q 5 4 3
H Q 2
D J 10 5
C A K 7
00300 =
Par NS -660
S 8 7 2
H A 8 4 3
D K 3 2
C J 9 2

Italy NS
3 NT W +2 -660
 Tie 27

  America NS
  3 NT W +2 -660
   Tie 24

23. S deals
Both vul
S Q 9
H 8
D J 8 6 5 4 3 2
C A J 5
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 H2 D2 SPass1 C2 D2 SPass
3 DPass3 SPass3 HPass4 SAP
North led the diamond four. Declarer won with the diamond ace, and laid down the ace and king of hearts. Then he played the spade king and led the diamond ten to dummy’s king. South ruffed this with the heart ten, and played the king and a small club. North took the club ace, and South’s high trump won the setting trick.South led the diamond seven. Dummy’s ace won, and the king of spades was played. The diamond ten was led to declarer’s king, but South ruffed. South now led the king of clubs and a low club to North’s ace. Declarer won the third round of clubs with the queen, drew the outstanding trumps, and claimed the balance.
H A K J 9 6 4 3
D A Q 10
C 4 3
Table S A J 10 7 6 4 3
H 2
D K 9
C Q 8 2
00166 00266
8AA77 =
Par NS -620
S 8 5 2
H Q 10 7 5
D 7
C K 10 9 7 6

Italy NS
4 H W -1 +100
 +7 34

  America NS
  4 S E +1 -650
   -7 24

24. W deals
None vul
S A K Q 8 5
H A J 8
D 5
C 7 6 4 3
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass2 SPass3 SPass1 SPass2 S
Pass4 SAPPass4 SAP
East led the queen of hearts. Declarer took the heart ace and drew trumps, then led a low diamond. East went up with the diamond ace and returned another heart which North took with the jack. Declarer lost two club tricks to the ace and king, and made his contract.East led the six of spades. Declarer cleared the trumps, and led a diamond. East took the diamond ace, and his diamond return was won by dummy’s king, North discarding the jack of hearts. North lost two tricks to the ace and king of clubs, and made his contract.
S J 3
H 10 9 3 2
D J 10 7 6 4
C K 8
Table S 10 6
H Q 7
D A Q 9 3 2
C A 10 5 2
98848 =
43484 =
Par NS +300
S 9 7 4 2
H K 6 5 4
D K 8
C Q J 9

Italy NS
4 S N = +420
 Tie 34

  America NS
  4 S N = +420
   Tie 24

25. N deals
E-W vul
S 9 6 4
H K Q 8 4 3
D 8
C A 8 6 4
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
2 H2 S4 H2 H4 S5 H
PassPass4 SDbl (AP)DblAP
South led the diamond king. He cashed the diamond ace and led the nine which North ruffed. North returned a small heart, and South took the ace and led a low club. Declarer ruffed and claimed the balance for down one.East led the ace of spades. He cashed the spade king and led the ten which West ruffed. West led a diamond, won by dummy’s king. Declarer drew trumps, discarded a club on the diamond ace, and conceded a club trick to West for down two.
H 10 7 6 2
D J 7 5
C Q J 10 9 3
Table S A K J 10 8 5
D Q 10 6 4 3 2
73937 =
494A4 =
Par NS -100
S 7 3 2
H A 9 5
D A K 9
C K 7 5 2

Italy NS
4 S× E -1 +200
 +6 40

  America NS
  5 H× N -2 -300
   -6 24

26. E deals
Both vul
S Q J 5
H A K 9
D Q J 4
C 5 4 3 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
North led the king of hearts. He cashed the heart ace and led the nine, and dummy’s queen won. Declarer led a spade from dummy, and passed it to North’s jack. North exited with the spade queen, and declarer took the ace. Declarer lost one diamond trick, making his contract with two overtricks.North led the queen of diamonds. West won the diamond ace and king, two top spades, two spade ruffs in dummy and a club ruff in his hand. He exited with the last spade and had to win another trump trick, making his contract with one overtrick.
S A K 9 4 2
H J 10 8 6
D A K 10 3
Table S 8 3
H Q 7 5
D 9 8 2
C J 10 9 8 7
75446 =
68897 68887
Par NS -110
S 10 7 6
H 4 3 2
D 7 6 5
C A K Q 6

Italy NS
1 S W +2 -140
 -1 40

  America NS
  1 H W +1 -110
   +1 25

27. S deals
None vul
S J 10 9 6 4 2
H A 7 6
C A K 9 7
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 H2 S3 NTPass1 HDblRdbl2 D
4 HAP2 H2 S3 NTPass
North led the king of clubs. He shifted to a spade which declarer won in dummy. The defenders got the ace of hearts and the diamond king, and West made his contract.North led the king of clubs. He shifted to a spade which declarer won in dummy. The defenders got the ace of hearts and the diamond king, and West made his contract.
S Q 8 7
H K Q 9 4 3 2
D A 7 4
C 8
Table S A K
H J 8
D Q J 9 3
C Q J 10 6 4
36354 =
A7A78 97A78
Par NS -430
S 5 3
H 10 5
D K 10 8 6 5 2
C 5 3 2

Italy NS
4 H W = -420
 Tie 40

  America NS
  4 H W = -420
   Tie 25

28. W deals
N-S vul
S 10 3
H 10 8 3
D 9 8 6 5
C Q 9 8 3
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
PassPass1 S1 NTPassPass1 SDbl
DblPass2 S2 NT2 SPassPassDbl
Pass3 CPass3 D (AP)Pass3 CPass3 NT (AP)
West led the three of diamonds. South won with the diamond queen, led a club to dummy and took a diamond finesse. West took the king and exited with a diamond, which dummy won. A low spade was led, East ducked, and declarer’s spade king took the trick. South lost a spade, two hearts and a diamond, and made his contract.West led the four of hearts. South took the heart ace and three club trick, ending in dummy. A diamond finesse lost to West’s king. The defenders cashed three hearts and the ace of spades, and North-South were down one.
S J 8 7 4
H K J 7 4
D K 7 3
C 6 5
Table S A Q 9 6 5
H Q 5 2
D 10 4
C J 10 2
85699 =
48744 =
Par NS +100
S K 2
H A 9 6
D A Q J 2
C A K 7 4

Italy NS
3 D S = +110
 +3 43

  America NS
  3 NT S -1 -100
   -3 25

29. N deals
Both vul
S A 5
H Q 10 9
D A Q J 7 6 5
C 10 4
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 DPass1 NT1 DPass2 C
Pass2 NTPass3 NT (AP)Pass2 DPass2 S
Pass2 NTPass3 NT (AP)
West led the six of hearts. East took the heart ace and returned the jack of clubs. South won and ran six diamonds, then led the queen of hearts from dummy. West took his king and jack of hearts, and declarer made five-odd.East led the five of hearts. West won with the king and, on the low heart return, North put up the queen, losing to East’s ace. West took three more heart tricks, putting the contract down one.
S Q J 7 6
H K J 6 4 2
D 10 4
C Q 5
Table S 10 9 8 3
H A 7 5
D 8
C J 9 6 3 2
A67B8 =
27625 =
Par NS +630
S K 4 2
H 8 3
D K 9 3 2
C A K 8 7

Italy NS
3 NT S +2 +660
 +7 50

  America NS
  3 NT N -1 -100
   -7 25

30. E deals
None vul
S Q 10 6 5 4
H 8 4
D K 8 4 2
C 9 5
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 CPass2 CPass
1 HPass3 CPass2 HPass3 CPass
South led the six of hearts. Declarer took the queen, returned a heart and finessed the ten. He came to his hand with a club, and led a spade to dummy’s jack. North won the queen of spades and switched to a diamond. Declarer took the diamond ace, five more clubs and the ace of hearts, making his contract with an overtrick.North led the five of spades. South took the spade ace and returned the suit, declarer winning with the king. West ran six club tricks and made three hearts on the successful heart finesse. The diamond ace gave him his con tract with two overtricks.
S K J 7
H A J 10 2
D 10 7 3
C Q 8 3
Table S 3 2
H Q 5
D A J 5
C A K J 10 6 4
26452 =
B788B B798B
Par NS -460
S A 9 8
H K 9 7 6 3
D Q 9 6
C 7 2

Italy NS
3 NT E +1 -430
 +1 51

  America NS
  3 NT W +2 -460
   -1 25

31. S deals
N-S vul
S 10 2
H 9 4
D Q J 7 2
C J 10 9 8 5
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass2 S
1 CPass1 H1 SPassPassDblPass
PassPass2 DPass3 CPass3 HPass
2 HPass4 HAP4 HAP
South led the queen of spades. East took the spade ace and played a heart. South won the ace of hearts and the king of spades, and declarer claimed the balance, making an overtrick.South led the king of spades. East won with the ace, and led a heart. South took the ace of hearts and the queen of spades, and declarer claimed the balance, making an overtrick.
S J 9 6
H K J 6 3
D 8 5
C A K 6 3
Table S A 8
H Q 10 8 7 5
D A K 10 6
C 7 2
34235 =
77B98 A8BA8
Par NS -450
S K Q 7 5 4 3
H A 2
D 9 4 3
C Q 4

Italy NS
4 H E +1 -450
 Tie 51

  America NS
  4 H E +1 -450
   Tie 25

32. W deals
E-W vul
S A 10 3
D K Q 8 7 2
C Q 10 3
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 DDblPassPass1 DDblPass
1 HPass2 CPass1 HPass2 HPass
2 NTPass3 HPass3 HPass4 HAP
North led the queen of diamonds. Declarer took the diamond ace and finessed the jack of clubs. He cashed the ace and king of hearts, and led a low diamond. South won and the defenders collected two high spades. Declarer made the rest of the tricks and his contract.North led the king of diamonds. When this held, he shifted to a spade. North-South took the ace and king and declarer won the third round of spades with the jack. Declarer cashed the ace and king of hearts, returned to the diamond ace and ruffed a diamond with dummy’s ten of hearts. The ace and king of clubs were played from dummy, and West trumped a small club. He drew the outstanding trump with his heart nine, and made his contract.
S Q J 4
H 9 7 6 5 3
D A 10 9
C 6 4
Table S 9 8 7
H A K 10
D 5 3
C A K J 8 7
25263 25262
98B7A =
Par NS -650
S K 6 5 2
H 8 4 2
D J 6 4
C 9 5 2

Italy NS
4 H W = -620
 Tie 51

  America NS
  4 H W = -620
   Tie 25

Italy leads by 26 IMPs

Match AW58 MainTop 1958 Bermuda Bowl Final

Segment 3

33. N deals
None vul
S A 9 6 3
H Q 10 9
D A 4 2
C Q 10 8
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 SPass2 CPassPass1 C
Pass2 NTPass4 S (AP)Pass2 NTPass3 NT (AP)
East led the five of diamonds. Dummy’s jack won, and declarer led to his spade ace and back to South’s spade jack. West took the spade queen, and the defenders cashed two high hearts. Declarer also had to give up a club trick, and was down one.East led the four of hearts. Partner won the heart ace and returned the suit and dummy’s queen was allowed to hold. Declarer played the spade ace and finessed the jack. West won and the defenders took two more hearts. Declarer had to give up a club trick and was down one.
S Q 10 4
H A 8 7 2
D 9 8 6 3
C J 7
Table S 7 2
H K 6 5 4
D Q 7 5
C K 6 5 2
99789 99889
44554 =
Par NS +400
S K J 8 5
H J 3
D K J 10
C A 9 4 3

Italy NS
4 S N -1 -50
 Tie 51

  America NS
  3 NT N -1 -50
   Tie 25

34. E deals
N-S vul
S K 10 3
H A Q 7
D Q 10 4
C A Q 9 3
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 DPass1 DPass
1 SDblPass1 NT1 SPass2 SPass
2 HPass2 SAP3 HPass3 NTPass
North led the four of diamonds. Dummy’s ace won, and declarer took a heart finesse. North took the heart queen and cashed the ace. He played the ace and a low club. Dummy’s club king won; declarer lost a trump trick, and made his contract with an overtrick.North led the ten of diamonds. Declarer took dummy’s diamond ace and tried the heart finesse, losing to North’s queen. West ruffed North’s diamond return, and played the spade jack. North covered with the king, and dummy’s ace won. Declarer still had to lose to the spade ten, the heart ace and the club ace, and was down one.
S Q J 7 6 4
H K J 10 9 4
D 7
C 6 2
Table S A 8 5
H 8 5
D A J 9 8 5
C K 10 7
74477 =
69865 =
Par NS -140
S 9 2
H 6 3 2
D K 6 3 2
C J 8 5 4

Italy NS
2 S W +1 -140
 -3 51

  America NS
  4 S W -1 +50
   +3 28

35. S deals
E-W vul
S 8 5 3
H 10 7 5 3
D Q 5 2
C J 7 4
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 D1 D
PassPassDblAPDblPass2 DPass
2 NTPass3 CPass
3 DPass3 HPass
West led the deuce of spades. East’s king won and he led a heart. Declarer took the heart ace and played the king which West ruffed. The defenders cashed two more spades, the ace and king of clubs and the heart jack, and West made three more trump tricks. Declarer was down four.North led the deuce of diamonds. Declarer took South’s diamond king with his ace, and led a club to dummy’s king. Then he passed a club to North’s jack. North-South won two high hearts, a diamond and a club trick, and West made his contract.
S Q 9 2
D A J 10 7 4 3
C A 9 8
Table S A K 7 4
H J 9 8 6 2
C K 10 6 2
42333 =
9A9AA =
Par NS -620
S J 10 6
H A K 4
D K 9 8 6
C Q 5 3

Italy NS
1 D× S -4 -700
 -2 51

  America NS
  3 NT W = -600
   +2 30

36. W deals
Both vul
S 8 5 2
H 9 7 6 2
D 10 6 2
C Q 6 5
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
PassPassPass1 CPassPassPass1 D
PassPassPassPassPass1 S1 NT (AP)
West led the five of diamonds. East took the diamond ace, and his spade lead was won by West’s king. West returned a spade, South won, and exited with his low spade. East took the spade queen, and the defenders made two diamonds, a heart and a club. North-South were down one.West led the club four. Declarer took the club ten and led the heart queen. East won and returned the ten of spades, which held. He led a low spade, and South’s jack was taken by West’s king. The defenders then cashed four diamond tricks, and North-South were down one.
S K 3
H J 8 5
D K J 7 5
C J 8 7 4
Table S Q 10 9 6 4
H K 4 3
D A 9 3
C 9 2
65757 75767
67676 68676
Par NS -110
S A J 7
H A Q 10
D Q 8 4
C A K 10 3

Italy NS
1 C S -1 -100
 Tie 51

  America NS
  1 NT S -1 -100
   Tie 30

37. N deals
N-S vul
S J 6 3 2
H Q J 2
D 9 7 3
C K J 10
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass2 DPassPassPassPass
2 NTPass3 NTAP1 SPass2 DAP
North led the three of spades. North South took four spade tricks; then shifted to a heart. Declarer won with the heart ace, ran five diamonds and the ace of clubs, and was down two.South led the five of clubs. North’s club king won, and his return of the jack was taken by declarer’s club ace. West drew trumps, conceded a spade and two heart tricks, and made contract with an overtrick.
S 8 7 5 4
H A 5 3
D A 8 5
C A 8 4
Table S K
H 10 8 4
D K Q J 6 4
C Q 6 3 2
58644 =
75598 =
Par NS -110
S A Q 10 9
H K 9 7 6
D 10 2
C 9 7 5

Italy NS
3 NT W -2 +100
 +3 54

  America NS
  2 D E +1 -110
   -3 30

38. E deals
E-W vul
S K J 5 3
H Q 8 2
D A 6
C Q 10 7 5
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 SPass2 SPass1 CPass1 DPass
3 HPass4 HPass1 SPass2 DPass
North led the five of clubs. Declarer ruffed in dummy and led a small heart, won by North’s queen. North led the diamond ace and West trumped and cashed the ace and king of clubs, discarding hearts in dummy. Declarer now played the heart ace, ruffed his last heart with dummy’s spade queen, ruffed a diamond in his hand and a club with dummy’s spade nine. He still had to make the ace and ten of spades, and this gave him his contract.North led the ace of diamonds. Declarer ruffed, cashed the ace and king of clubs, and ruffed a club in dummy. A low heart from East was won by North’s heart queen, and North played the king of spades which declarer won. Declarer trumped another club with dummy’s spade queen, and led to his ace of hearts. The defenders got two spades and a second heart trick, and declarer made his contract with an overtrick.
S A 10 8 7 2
H A 10 3
C A K 6 3 2
Table S Q 9 4
H J 6 5 4
D J 10 9 7 5 2
63567 63566
7A877 79876
Par NS -620
S 6
H K 9 7
D K Q 8 4 3
C J 9 8 4

Italy NS
4 S W = -620
 -5 54

  America NS
  2 S W +1 -140
   +5 35

39. S deals
Both vul
S A K J 8 5
H 9 7
D 7 3
C 9 6 4 3
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 D1 D
Pass1 SPass3 D1 HDbl3 H3 NT (AP)
Pass3 SPass3 NT (AP)
West led the six of hearts. East took the heart ace and declarer’s king won the heart return. South laid down the ace of diamonds, crossed to dummy’s spade ace and cashed the three top spades. Then he played another diamond and went up with his king. The defenders now had the rest of the tricks, and North South were down three.West led the six of hearts. East took the heart ace, and declarer won the heart return with his king. South played the king of diamonds, overtook his spade queen with dummy’s king, and cashed two more top spades. Then he finessed the diamond jack and ran six diamonds for two tricks over his contract.
S 10 7 4 3
H J 10 8 6 2
D 6
C A J 10
Table S 9 6 2
H A Q 5 3
D Q 9 8
C K 5 2
98598 =
35825 35835
Par NS +500
H K 4
D A K J 10 5 4 2
C Q 8 7

Italy NS
3 NT S -3 -300
 -7 54

  America NS
  3 NT S +2 +660
   +7 42

40. W deals
None vul
S 7
H K Q J 8 4
D 9 6
C 10 9 7 3 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 CPass1 DDbl1 NT2 H2 S3 S
Pass1 H1 S2 SPass3 NT5 D5 H
Pass4 HPass5 CPassPassDblAP
Pass5 HAP
East led the diamond ace which held, and led the spade three which was taken by South’s ace. Declarer drew two rounds of trump ending in dummy. The spade king was cashed and a spade ruffed by North. Declarer ruffed his last diamond and threw West in with a club. West was now end played and North made his contract.East led the diamond three and West won with the queen. West shifted to the club king which was ruffed by East. A spade was returned and South won with the ace. Trumps were drawn, but West still was to get a club trick and the contract was down one.
S Q J 9
H 10 5
D K Q 2
C K Q 6 5 4
Table S 10 6 5 3 2
H 9
D A J 10 8 7 4 3
65A39 =
58294 =
Par NS +300
S A K 8 4
H A 7 6 3 2
D 5
C A J 8

Italy NS
5 H N = +450
 +6 60

  America NS
  5 H× N -1 -100
   -6 42

41. N deals
E-W vul
S K Q 7 6 2
D Q J 9 3
C K 6 5 3
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 SDbl3 SPass1 CPass
PassPassPass1 D2 SPass3 S (AP)
East led the spade ace. He continued with the ten of spades which was taken by North’s king. Declarer played the diamond queen, East covered and dummy’s ace won. Three more diamonds were played and declarer sluffed a club from dummy. A club was played by North and East’s queen held. East played the heart ace which declarer ruffed and North claimed the rest of the tricks making five-odd.East led the diamond deuce which was won by declarer’s nine. North played the spade deuce which was taken by East’s ace. Another diamond was played by East and West won the trick by ruffing. West shifted to the club jack and when declarer ducked, East cashed the queen and ace. East then played the heart ace which North ruffed. Declarer drew remaining trumps and claimed the balance of tricks, making three spades.
S 4 3
H 7 6 5 4 2
D 8
C J 10 8 7 2
Table S A 10
H A J 8 3
D K 7 5 4 2
89486 89476
43856 =
Par NS +140
S J 9 8 5
H K Q 10 9
D A 10 6
C 9 4

Italy NS
3 S N +2 +200
 +1 61

  America NS
  3 S N = +140
   -1 42

42. E deals
Both vul
S 8 2
H K Q 8 7 5 3
D K J 6 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
2 SPass2 SPass
Pass2 NTPass3 D3 C3 HPass4 H (AP)
Pass3 HPass3 NT
Pass4 DPass4 H (AP)
East led the spade queen which was taken by West’s ace. A club was played and won by North’s ace. Declarer played the heart three which was taken by East’s ace. The spade jack was led and declarer did not cover. West discarded a small club. Another spade was played and declarer ruffed. A heart was led to dummy’s jack. Declarer returned to his hand by ruffing a club, drew trump and claimed the rest to make his contract.East led the spade queen which was taken by West’s ace. The diamond four was led and East won the trick by ruffing with the heart six. East played the spade jack, ducked by dummy, and West ruffed. A diamond return was ruffed by East and a club shift was taken by declarer. East was still to make his trump ace and the contract was defeated two tricks.
H 4
D 10 9 5 4
C Q J 9 8 7 5 3
Table S Q J 10 5 4 3
H A 10 9 6
C 10 6 4
968A2 967A2
3633B =
Par NS -200
S K 9 7 6
H J 2
D A Q 8 7 3
C K 2

Italy NS
4 H N = +620
 +7 68

  America NS
  4 H N -2 -200
   -7 42

43. S deals
None vul
S 3
H A 9 8 7 3
D Q 3
C A J 10 9 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
2 S1 S
Pass3 HPass3 SPass1 NTPass4 S (AP)
Pass4 CPass4 S (AP)
West led the heart king, won by the ace, Six rounds of trumps were led; West pitched a small heart, a diamond and two clubs; dummy pitched two hearts, two clubs and another heart; East pitched a heart, a club and two diamonds. South then crossed to the club ace and ruffed a club, dropping both outstanding honors. A small diamond was led and declarer could not be prevented from ridding a diamond on dummy’s good club to make six.West led the heart king. Declarer ruffed and led a small diamond. West ducked, and dummy’s queen won. A diamond was continued, and when South played the nine, West won with the jack. A spade was played by West and taken by South’s ace. Declarer ran five more spade tricks, crossed to dummy’s club ace, and discarded a club on the heart ace. A diamond trick was conceded to West and South made five-odd.
S 8 7
H K Q J 4
D A J 8 5
C Q 6 3
Table S J 6
H 10 6 5 2
D 10 7 6 2
C K 7 5
AB779 =
22654 22663
Par NS +450
S A K Q 10 9 5 4 2
D K 9 4
C 8 4

Italy NS
4 S S +2 +480
 +1 69

  America NS
  4 S S +1 +450
   -1 42

44. W deals
N-S vul
S J 5 2
H J 9 6 3
D K J 8 4
C 6 4
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
PassPass1 HDblPassPass1 HDbl
1 SPass2 SAPPass2 D2 HAP
North led the club six. South won two clubs and led the club deuce, ruffed by North’s spade jack and overruffed by dummy’s king. The heart ace was cashed, and the king was ruffed by South’s spade ten. South won the diamond ace and led a diamond to the queen and North’s king. The heart jack was led, dummy covering, and South ruffed. South led a club, ruffed by North and overruffed by dummy’s six. Declarer finessed dummy’s spade nine. West then made the trump ace and eight, going down two tricks.South led the spade three to the jack and East’s king. Declarer drew two rounds of trump, then crossed to dummy’s spade ace and played a third spade. South won, cashed the diamond ace, and led a diamond to North’s jack. North led the heart jack, won by East’s queen. Declarer led another diamond to North’s king. North cashed his high trump and led the 13th diamond. Declarer ruffed and conceded two clubs; down two.
S A 8 4
H 8 4 2
D Q 6 5
C J 9 8 7
Table S K 9 6
H A K Q 7 5
D 10 3 2
C K 10
78688 =
65655 =
Par NS +110
S Q 10 7 3
H 10
D A 9 7
C A Q 5 3 2

Italy NS
2 S W -2 +100
 Tie 69

  America NS
  2 H E -2 +100
   Tie 42

45. N deals
Both vul
S J 6 2
H A 10 8 4
D 9 8 6 2
C 4 3
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
PassPass1 CPassPass1 C
North led the club four. Dummy played the ten, South the jack, and West won with the king. A heart was played to dummy’s queen and won by South’s king. South played the club eight and West won with the queen. West led the spade king which lost to South’s ace. South cashed three club tricks and shifted to the spade three. North played the jack and West ducked in dummy. North then played a diamond and West took three top diamonds in his hand, crossed to dummy’s spade queen and cashed the remaining diamond to make his contract.South led the spade three. West’s five and North’s jack lost to East’s queen. East cashed three rounds of trump in dummy and led the heart three. North played low and East’s queen fell to South’s king. A heart was continued, taken by North’s king and a spade return was won by South’s ace. Declarer had to lose one more trick in clubs, making three-odd.
S K 8 5
H 7 6 3
C K Q 6 2
Table S Q 9 7
H Q J 2
D J 10 5 4 3
C 10 7
57746 57747
76686 =
Par NS -90
S A 10 4 3
H K 9 5
D 7
C A J 9 8 5

Italy NS
1 NT W = -90
 +1 70

  America NS
  2 D E +1 -110
   -1 42

46. E deals
None vul
S 8 4
H 6 5
D 9 5 3 2
C K J 6 5 3
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 S2 H1 SPass
3 DPass3 SPass2 DPass2 SPass
4 SAP3 SPass4 CPass
4 HPass4 SAP
South led the club eight. Dummy played low and North’s king lost to East’s ace. A spade was played to dummy’s ace and another spade played, East finessing the jack and losing to South’s queen. A club return forced North’s jack to fall to the queen and declarer had to lose one trick to the heart ace making five-odd.South led the club eight. Dummy played low and North’s king falling to East’s ace. East played a small heart which South ducked, and dummy’s king won, North playing the six. A spade was led to East’s king and another spade to dummy’s ace. The club ten was led and when North ducked, East played low. East ruffed a diamond, ruffed a club in dummy and returned to his hand with a diamond ruff. A lead to the heart queen gave declarer his con tract with two overtricks.
S A 10 6
H K Q 7
D K J 10 7 4
C 10 2
Table S K J 9 7 3 2
H 10 4 2
C A Q 9 4
21454 =
BC989 =
Par NS -980
S Q 5
H A J 9 8 3
D A Q 8 6
C 8 7

Italy NS
4 S E +1 -450
 +1 71

  America NS
  4 S E +2 -480
   -1 42

47. S deals
N-S vul
S J 10 5 4
H A Q 2
D K J 5
C J 6 5
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 NT1 NT
Pass2 CPass2 DPass3 NTAP
Pass3 NTAP
West led the spade deuce. South’s queen won and the club king was led and taken by East’s ace. A spade was returned forcing South’s ace. West won the next trick with the diamond ace and cashed the spade king, holding South to one overtrick.West led the spade deuce. South won with the queen and led the club king which fell to East’s ace. A club was continued and won in dummy by the jack. West’s diamond ace was forced out and declarer claimed the balance of tricks making five-odd.
S K 9 7 2
H 10 6 5
D A 8 3 2
C 8 7
Table S 8 6 3
H 8 7 4 3
D 9 7 4
C A 9 4
A999A =
33443 =
Par NS +630
H K J 9
D Q 10 6
C K Q 10 3 2

Italy NS
3 NT S +1 +630
 -1 71

  America NS
  3 NT S +2 +660
   +1 43

48. W deals
E-W vul
S A 8 5 3
H 6 4 3 2
D 10 8
C A 7 3
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
PassPass1 C1 SPassPass1 SPass
West led the club deuce. Declarer ducked in dummy and East’s queen won. The spade deuce was played and won by South’s king. A diamond was ducked by West and the ten lost to East’s ace. Another spade lead was taken by South’s queen. A club to dummy’s ace held and a heart was led. East won the ace and played a third spade. Declarer won in dummy and played a diamond which West won with the jack. A club to East’s king held and another spade was played. South won and could cash the heart king for down two.North led the heart six. Declarer played dummy’s queen and South won with the king. South led the spade king and North played the eight. A spade continuation went to North’s ace and a heart was returned. Declarer won in dummy, cashed two hearts and played the club jack. North won and returned a spade. South cashed two spades and declarer claimed the balance to make his contract.
S 7
H J 10 9 5
D K J 9 2
C J 8 4 2
Table S 10 9 4 2
H A Q 7
D A 4 3
C K Q 5
57453 =
76989 =
Par NS -140
S K Q J 6
H K 8
D Q 7 6 5
C 10 9 6

Italy NS
2 S S -2 -100
 Tie 71

  America NS
  1 NT W = -90
   Tie 43

49. N deals
None vul
S 9 6 3
H 10 8 7 2
D J 8
C 9 8 4 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 CPassPassPassPass
2 SPass3 CPass1 CPass1 NTPass
4 CPass4 HPass2 SPass3 CPass
5 SPass5 NTPass3 SPass3 NTPass
6 NTAP4 CPass4 HPass
4 NTPass5 DPass
South led the spade deuce. Declarer won in dummy with the jack and led a diamond to the king. South’s ace won and declarer claimed the rest of the tricks with four spades, five clubs, two hearts and a diamond.North led the spade six. Declarer ran five spades and cashed the ace-queen of clubs. A heart was led to dummy and the remaining clubs were cashed. A diamond was led and South’s ace won. Declarer claimed the high diamond and heart to make his contract.
S A K Q J 8
H K 6 4
D Q 10 7
Table S 5 4
H A 5 3
D K 9 2
C K J 10 7 5
10321 =
Par NS -990
S 10 7 2
H Q J 9
D A 6 5 4 3
C 6 3

Italy NS
6 NT E = -990
 Tie 71

  America NS
  6 S W = -980
   Tie 43

50. E deals
N-S vul
S 9 5 2
H K Q 4
D 9 5 4 2
C 8 3 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 CPassPassPass
1 DPass1 NTPass2 CPass2 DDbl
3 NTAPRdblPassPass2 S
PassPass4 CPass
South led the spade three. East won with the queen and claimed five clubs, four diamonds and a heart to make five-odd.North led the spade deuce. West won with the jack, cashed the spade ace and played the king which West ruffed low. Declarer cashed four clubs, four diamonds and a heart to concede down one.
S 10 7
H J 6
D A K J 7
C K Q J 10 9
Table S Q 8 6
H A 5 3 2
D Q 10
C A 7 5 4
38532 =
857AA A58AB
Par NS -430
S A K J 4 3
H 10 9 8 7
D 8 6 3
C 6

Italy NS
3 NT E +2 -460
 -6 71

  America NS
  5 C W -1 +50
   +6 49

51. S deals
E-W vul
S 10 2
H A K Q 7 6 3 2
C 4 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 C2 HAP1 SDblPass2 C
Pass3 HPass3 NT (AP)
East led the club ten. South played the king and West’s ace won. A heart return was taken in declarer’s hand and five more rounds of hearts were played. A club was played to dummy’s queen and diamond finesse taken to let declarer make four-odd.West led the spade three. Dummy played low and East won with the ace. The spade eight was won by West’s jack and the king was cashed. The heart jack was led and won in dummy with the ace. Another heart was won in dummy and a club led to the queen. West won with the ace and South claimed the balance of tricks, making his contract.
S K J 4 3
H J 10 5
D K 9 3
C A J 7
Table S A 8 5
H 9 8
D 10 5 4 2
C 10 9 6 3
96A66 97A77
46366 =
Par NS +420
S Q 9 7 6
H 4
D J 8 7 6
C K Q 8 5

Italy NS
2 H N +2 +170
 -4 71

  America NS
  3 NT S = +400
   +4 53

52. W deals
Both vul
S Q 10 2
D Q J 10 9 6
C A K 5
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 DPass1 SPass1 NTPass2 C
Pass2 SPass3 HPass2 DPass2 S
Pass3 NTPass5 S (AP)Pass3 SPass4 S (AP)
West led the club four. Dummy’s ace won and a spade was led to the ace and a second spade fell to West’s king. The heart ace was cashed and a heart was ruffed by East. A diamond trick was cashed to set the contract.West led the diamond eight. Eight won the ace and played the heart four to West’s ace. A heart return was ruffed by East. A diamond was ruffed by declarer but when the spade ace failed to drop the king South conceded down one.
S K 9
H A 9 7 3 2
D 8 7 2
C Q 8 4
Table S J 6 4
H 4
D A K 5 4
C J 10 9 3 2
69866 =
54567 =
Par NS +140
S A 8 7 5 3
H Q 10 8 6 5
D 3
C 7 6

Italy NS
5 S S -1 -100
 Tie 71

  America NS
  4 S S -1 -100
   Tie 53

Italy leads by 18 IMPs

Match AW58 MainTop 1958 Bermuda Bowl Final

Segment 4

53. N deals
N-S vul
S K Q 9 4
H 5
D 8 6 4 3 2
C J 7 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 HDblPass1 HPass
RdblPassPass1 S2 HPass3 HAP
Pass3 S4 HAP
South led the spade jack. East won and played a diamond to dummy’s ace. The heart queen was finessed, losing to South’s king. A spade return was taken by North and a club play gave South his ace and queen for a one trick set.South led the diamond queen. Declarer won in dummy and led the heart queen which he covered with the ace. The spade ace was won and a spade returned which North won. A diamond return dropped South’s queen and declarer ruffed dummy’s last spade. East played the diamond nine which held and threw South in with a heart to complete the end-play and make an overtrick.
S 7 5 2
H Q 9 7 2
D A K 7
C 10 4 3
Table S A 3
H A J 10 8 4 3
D 10 9 5
C K 8
49479 =
54954 =
Par NS +100
S J 10 8 6
H K 6
C A Q 9 6 5

Italy NS
4 H E -1 +50
 +4 75

  America NS
  3 H E +1 -170
   -4 53

54. E deals
E-W vul
S K 10 3
H 10 9 2
D Q 7
C A K 8 4 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 HPass2 H (AP)Pass1 HPass2 H (AP)
East led the diamond king. He then cashed the diamond ace and led the spade 6. West played the jack and North’s king won. A heart was led to the jack and West won, cashed the spade ace and played a third round which East ruffed. North made the rest to claim his contract.East led the diamond king. He then shifted to the spade six and West’s jack lost to declarer’s king. A diamond was played. East winning, and a spade returned to West’s ace. A third spade was ruffed by East. A diamond was ruffed by North and the ace and another heart dropped the outstanding trumps to give North his contract.

RP note: Auctions are implausible, but play records show North declarer with the diamond king lead.
S A J 7 4 2
H K 5
D J 10 2
C 10 6 5
Table S 6 5
H Q 8 6
D A K 9 5 3
C Q 9 7
66858 =
77485 =
Par NS +110
S Q 9 8
H A J 7 4 3
D 8 6 4
C J 3

Italy NS
2 H N = +110
 Tie 75

  America NS
  2 H N = +110
   Tie 53

55. S deals
Both vul
S Q 10 8 3
H K 10 7 5
D 9 8
C K 4 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 HPass1 SPass1 HPass2 DPass
1 NTPass3 DPass2 HPass2 SPass
3 SPass4 HAP2 NTPass3 HPass
4 DPass4 HAP
North led the diamond nine. West won with the king and led a heart, finessing the queen. A spade to the king held and a heart was led. North’s ten forced dummy’s ace. The heart nine was played and taken by North’s king. South had pitched two clubs. A spade return was taken with the ace and a club led to the ace. North’s last trump was drawn and South threw another club. Declarer conceded a club and a diamond to make his contract.North led the spade three. Declarer won in dummy with the jack and cashed the heart ace. Declarer won the diamond king and led a heart. North winning the king. The spade queen was led, taken by the king, and a heart led to dummy’s queen. A diamond was led to the queen and a heart forced North’s ten. Declarer now lost a club trick, making his contract.
S K 4
H 8 6 4 3 2
D K Q 7
C A 7 6
Table S A J 5 2
H A Q 9
D A 6 5 3
C Q 5
22124 12124
Par NS -660
S 9 7 6
D J 10 4 2
C J 10 9 8 3

Italy NS
4 H W = -620
 Tie 75

  America NS
  4 H W = -620
   Tie 53

56. W deals
None vul
S Q 10 6 5 4
H 3
D Q 10 7 5
C Q 7 6
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
PassPass1 DDblPassPassPass1 C
1 NT2 HPass3 DPass1 SPass3 S
Dbl3 SPass4 S (AP)Pass4 SAP
East led the diamond three. West won the ace and led the nine, Declarer ruffing in dummy. The heart ace was cashed and a heart ruffed. Declarer ruffed a diamond in dummy and led a spade. West won the ace and declarer claimed the balance, making five-odd.East led the heart king. Declarer won in dummy and led a diamond, West winning the ace. A small heart was led, declarer ruffing, and a diamond was ruffed in dummy. A spade was led and West won the ace. Declarer claimed the balance, making five-odd.
S A 9 8
H 10 8 7 5
D A 9 8
C 10 5 4
Table S 7
H K Q 4 2
D K J 6 3 2
C J 9 8
8B668 =
42763 =
Par NS +450
S K J 3 2
H A J 9 6
D 4
C A K 3 2

Italy NS
4 S N +1 +450
 Tie 75

  America NS
  4 S N +1 +450
   Tie 53

57. N deals
E-W vul
S 9 8 3 2
H 5 3 2
D A 9 3 2
C J 6
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
PassPass1 CPassPass1 H
Pass1 DPass2 CPass1 NTDbl3 C
Pass2 HPass3 HPass3 HPass3 S
Pass3 NTPass4 H (AP)DblPassPass4 H (AP)
East led the spade king. Dummy’s ace held and a club was led, West ducking, and won by North’s jack. A heart was led to the queen which held. The club king was taken by West’s ace and a spade was ruffed in dummy. Declarer conceded one trick and made five-odd.West led the spade four. Declarer’s ace won and a club to the jack held. A heart was led to the ace and the club queen fell to West’s ace. A club was ruffed by East’s jack and the heart king held declarer to ten tricks.
S Q 10 7 5 4
H 9
D 10 7 4
C A 7 5 4
Table S K J 6
H K J 8
D K J 8 6 5
C 10 3
84C4B =
18182 =
Par NS +980
H A Q 10 7 6 4
C K Q 9 8 2

Italy NS
4 H N +1 +450
 +1 76

  America NS
  4 H S = +420
   -1 53

58. E deals
Both vul
S K Q 10
H K 10 7 5
D 9 5 3 2
C Q 8
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 SPass1 NTPass1 SPass1 NTPass
2 SAP2 SPass2 NTPass
3 SPass3 NTPass
North led the spade queen. This held and the club queen was played, taken by the ace. A club to the jack forced South’s king. South led a heart, which declarer ducked, North winning the king. A diamond was won in dummy and a spade led. Declarer conceded one club, three spades, and a heart to make his contract.South led the heart eight. North’s king won and the club queen was taken by the ace in dummy. A diamond finesse lost to South’s queen and the spade ace was cashed. South took the club king and led a spade to North’s king. The spade queen was cashed for down two.
S J 9 7 5 4 2
H A 9 3
D K 8
C A 2
Table S 8 6
H Q J 4
D A J 10 7
C J 10 9 4
55666 =
78776 =
Par NS -110
S A 3
H 8 6 2
D Q 6 4
C K 7 6 5 3

Italy NS
2 S W = -110
 -6 76

  America NS
  3 NT× E -2 +500
   +6 59

59. S deals
None vul
S J 4 3
H Q 6 2
D 5 4 3
C Q 7 6 3
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
PassPass1 DPassPassPass1 CPass
1 HPass2 CPass2 CPass2 DPass
2 SPass3 NTAP2 HPass3 CPass
3 HPass3 NTAP
South led the club jack. East won the king and played the diamond king. South won the ace, led the club four, and North’s queen fell to East’s ace. Declarer cashed four diamonds, South discarding a spade and two hearts. Declarer cashed two top hearts and led the spade to his ace and a spade back. South could win the king and cash a top club, but declarer then made the last trick for one over his contract.South led the spade six. North played low and East won with the ten. Declarer’s diamond queen was taken with the ace and a heart played which was taken by dummy’s ace. The heart king was cashed and four diamonds taken by declarer. South discarded a spade and the ace dropped the spade king to give Declarer four diamonds, four spades, two hearts and two clubs for a twelve trick total.
S Q 9 8 2
H A K 10 8 3
D 7 6 2
C 2
Table S A 10 5
H 5
D K Q J 9 8
C A K 9 5
32325 =
Par NS -450
S K 7 6
H J 9 7 4
D A 10
C J 10 8 4

Italy NS
3 NT E +1 -430
 +1 77

  America NS
  3 NT E +3 -490
   -1 59

60. W deals
N-S vul
S K 8 4
H J 10 6
D J 10 3
C A 4 3 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
3 CPass3 NT4 S2 DPass2 NT3 H
PassPass5 CPassPass4 HDblAP
North led the spade four. Dummy’s ace won and the club king was played. North ducked and won the second club trick. A heart was led and ruffed by declarer. West cashed two high clubs and finessed the diamond queen, losing to the king. A spade return forced West’s last trump and he could cash only the diamond ace for a four trick set.West led the diamond seven. East won and shifted to the club king. Dummy’s ace won and declarer played the heart jack which held. The spade king was taken by East’s ace, West dropping the queen. A club return was ruffed by South. South played spades until East ruffed. East could cash the high diamond but was forced to lead a diamond to dummy’s jack for declarer’s ninth trick. Down one.
D 9 7 6 5 4 2
C Q J 9 8 7 5
Table S A 7 3
H 9 7 5 4 3
D A Q 8
C K 10
9AA22 =
322BA =
Par NS -200
S J 10 9 6 5 2
H A K Q 8 2
C 6

Italy NS
5 C× W -4 +700
 +7 84

  America NS
  4 H× S -1 -200
   -7 59

61. N deals
Both vul
S A J 2
H K J 10 3 2
C 9 6 3 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
PassPassPassPass1 S3 D
1 C1 HDbl2 D4 SAP
PassPass2 S3 D
South led the heart nine. Dummy’s ace won, and a spade was led, North winning the ace. North won the heart king and led a heart which South ruffed. A diamond return was taken in dummy with the ace and declarer drew two high trumps and four clubs, discarding his losing diamond. He then ruffed a diamond and ruffed a heart for ten tricks.South led the heart nine. Dummy’s ace won and a spade was led, North ducking and declarer winning the king. Declarer cashed two high clubs and led a club which South ruffed. The diamond return was taken in dummy and the club ace played, East discarding a diamond. A heart was led and North took the king. He eventually got the spade ace and declarer made his contract.
S 7 6 5 3
H A 8 4
D A 5
C A J 7 4
Table S K Q 9 8
H Q 7 6 5
D 9 8
C K Q 10
32383 =
Par NS -630
S 10 4
H 9
D K J 10 7 6 4 3 2
C 8 5

Italy NS
3 S E +1 -170
 +5 89

  America NS
  4 S E = -620
   -5 59

62. E deals
None vul
S A 7
H 8 6
D A J 7 5 4 3
C J 9 6
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 CPass1 DPass
1 S2 DDblAP1 SPass2 CAP
East led the spade jack. The ace won and a heart was led to dummy, East ducking, the king taking the trick. A club was played and West’s king won. A diamond was taken by dummy’s king. Another club was led, taken by East, and a club lead was ruffed in dummy. Declarer had to lose two diamonds, a spade and a heart for down one.South led the club five. East won, led the spade jack, and North won the ace. A heart lead dropped declarer’s queen to South’s king and another club was taken by dummy’s king. The spade king was cashed and the spade queen was ruffed by North, declarer discarding a diamond. North led a heart, declarer winning the ace and leading a diamond which fell to South’s king. The heart jack was played, ruffed by East, and declarer claimed the balance, making his contract.
S K Q 9 5 2
H 10 5 4 3
D 8
C K 8 4
Table S J
H A Q 2
D Q 10 9 2
C A Q 10 7 3
55574 =
87869 88869
Par NS -120
S 10 8 6 4 3
H K J 9 7
D K 6
C 5 2

Italy NS
2 D× N -1 -100
 Tie 89

  America NS
  2 C E = -90
   Tie 59

63. S deals
N-S vul
S A 5 2
H 10 5
D J 10 5 3
C 10 7 6 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 CPass
1 DPass1 HPass1 DPass1 SPass
2 HPass4 HAP1 NTPass3 HPass
South led the heart four. East won the king, led a club, and South took the ace. An other heart lead was taken in dummy with the seven and the ace and king of diamonds were cashed. A diamond was ruffed high by declarer and a heart led to dummy, North discarding a spade. A spade lead was taken by South’s king and a small spade dropped North’s ace to give East his contract.South led the diamond queen. Dummy’s ace won and a spade was led to the queen, South winning the king. A diamond was taken by dummy’s king and a spade led, North winning the ace. A diamond was ruffed high by declarer who drew trump and conceded a club to make the contract.
S 6 4
H Q 7 3
D A K 9 4 2
C K 8 4
Table S Q J 8 7 3
H A K J 8 2
D 7 6
C 9
54358 53357
89A85 =
Par NS -420
S K 10 9
H 9 6 4
D Q 8
C A Q J 5 3

Italy NS
4 H E = -420
 Tie 89

  America NS
  4 H E = -420
   Tie 59

64. W deals
E-W vul
S 9 5 3 2
H 7 6 5 3
D 5
C Q 9 5 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 DPass1 HPass1 CPass2 C3 D
North led the club deuce. South played low and West took the king. The spade jack was led and South won the king. A club was taken by dummy’s ace and the diamond finesse taken twice. Declarer cashed two hearts, a diamond and three spades, making four-odd.West led the club six. East won the ace. A spade was led, declarer’s king losing to the ace and West cashed the spade jack. The club king was cashed and a spade lead was ruffed by South. A small diamond lead was taken by East’s jack and the spade ten was played, South discarding a heart, West discarding a club. A diamond was taken by West’s ten. The defenders took two top hearts and two high trumps for a seven trick set.
S A J 8
H A 10 8
D A Q 10 9
C K 10 6
Table S Q 10 7 4
H K J 9
D J 8
C A 8 4 3
11121 =
Par NS -1440
S K 6
H Q 4 2
D K 7 6 4 3 2
C J 7

Italy NS
3 NT W +1 -630
 +6 95

  America NS
  3 D× S -7 -1300
   -6 59

65. N deals
None vul
H 9 2
D Q J 10 8 7 6 5
C J 6 4 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
PassPass3 S3 DPass4 D
3 NT4 DDblPass5 CAP
North led the diamond jack. Dummy’s ace won and three trumps were drawn. The ace and king of hearts were cashed and the heart jack was ruffed by North who led a diamond to South’s king. Declarer claimed the balance to make his contract.North led the diamond queen. Dummy won with the ace and declarer drew three high trumps. West cashed the ace and king of hearts and led the jack. North discarded a diamond and dummy’s queen won. The heart ten was played, West discarding a diamond and conceding a high trump to North.
D 4 2
C A K Q 10 9 7 3
Table S 10 9 8 6 5
H Q 10 5 4 3
D A 3
C 8
15061 =
Par NS -1500
S K Q J 7 4 3 2
H 8 7 6
D K 9
C 5

Italy NS
5 C W = -400
 +1 96

  America NS
  5 C W +1 -420
   -1 59

66. E deals
N-S vul
S Q 9 7 4
H 7 6 5 2
C A 6 5
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 NTPass1 D
Pass3 DPass3 NT (AP)Pass1 SPass2 C
Pass3 CPass4 S (AP)
West led the club seven. South won the jack, cashed four diamonds and a club, East discarding two spades. Declarer then cashed the high club and four spades to make five-odd.East led the heart ace. This held and he cashed two top hearts and led the fourth heart, dummy ruffing with the eight, over-ruffed by West’s jack. A diamond was taken by declarer who cashed two high trumps, two high clubs and the diamond jack was overtaken in dummy. A high diamond was led, North discarding a club, and East could get only one trump trick more for a two trick set.
H Q 9
D 9 8 7 4 2
C Q 9 8 7 4
Table S 10 6 5 3 2
H A K J 10
D 5 3
C 3 2
98887 =
25455 =
Par NS +600
S A K 8
H 8 4 3
D A K 10 6
C K J 10

Italy NS
3 NT S +2 +660
 +7 103

  America NS
  4 S N -2 -200
   -7 59

67. S deals
E-W vul
S Q J 6 5
H 9 8 4
D K J 9 2
C 10 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
PassPass1 CPassPassPass1 C1 D
2 CPass3 NTAP1 H3 DDblPass
South led the diamond three. Defenders ran four diamond tricks and exited with a club. Declarer was forced to take the heart finesse which lost for a one trick set.North led the diamond jack. South won the ace and led a diamond which West ruffed. A spade was led to the king, a diamond ruffed, a spade to the ace and declarer’s last diamond ruffed. Declarer cashed the ace and king of clubs and ruffed a spade with dummy’s heart queen. The trump ace was declarer’s ninth trick.
S 8 7 3 2
H J 7 6 5
D 8
C K J 4 3
Table S A K
D 10 7 5 4
C A Q 9 8 7
54462 =
8887B =
Par NS -600
S 10 9 4
H K 10 3 2
D A Q 6 3
C 6 5

Italy NS
3 NT E -1 +100
 +4 107

  America NS
  3 H W = -140
   -4 59

68. W deals
Both vul
S 6
H K Q 10 8 6 5
C A 10 7 6
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 DDblRdbl4 SPass1 H2 C2 S
DblAPPass3 HPass3 S (AP)
West led the three of clubs. Dummy’s ace won and the spade six was led. West took the spade ace and the diamond ace and led a heart. East made the ace of hearts and the club king, and West had to win another trump trick, so North-South were down two.West led the three of clubs. Dummy’s club ace won and the trump lead was taken by West’s ace of spades. In addition, the defenders won the diamond ace, the heart ace, the high club and another trump trick. Declarer was down one.
S A 10 7 5
H 7 3 2
D A Q 10 8 4
C 3
Table S 9
H A 9
D 7 6 5 3
C K Q J 9 4 2
58723 48723
756AA =
Par NS -130
S K Q J 8 4 3 2
H J 4
D 9 2
C 8 5

Italy NS
4 S× S -2 -500
 -5 107

  America NS
  3 S S -1 -100
   +5 64

69. N deals
N-S vul
S J 3
H A Q 7
D J 8 6 3 2
C K Q 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 DPass2 D1 D1 SPass
DblPass2 SPass2 DAP
3 SPass4 SAP
South led the four of diamonds. Declarer won with dummy’s queen, drew trumps and led the club jack. North covered, East took the club ace, and put North back in with the high club. North could now cash his heart ace or give declarer two discards on dummy’s clubs, and declarer made his contract with an overtrick.North led the three of diamonds. South put up the diamond king, and West won with the ace and cashed the queen. West played the ace and king of spades and led the jack of clubs. North covered and dummy’s club ace won. North-South won the balance, and East West were down three.
S A K 8 7
C J 10 9 8 5
Table S Q 10 9 5 2
H 8 4 2
D 10 9
C A 7 4
22882 =
9B55B 8A55A
Par NS -450
S 6 4
H 10 9 6 5 3
D K 7 5 4
C 6 3

Italy NS
4 S E +1 -450
 -6 107

  America NS
  2 D W -3 +150
   +6 70

70. E deals
E-W vul
S 8 6 4 2
H A 10 3
D K Q J 10 9
C 7
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
2 HPassPassPass
PassDblPass2 NT1 S2 D2 H3 D (AP)
Pass3 DAP
East led the nine of spades. West took South’s spade jack with his queen, cashed the ace and led a low spade which East ruffed. East’s club return was won by dummy’s ace, and a diamond put East in to lead another club which declarer trumped. West now had as many trumps as declarer, and North had to give the defenders a heart and a club trick, and was down two.East led the nine of spades. West took the queen and ace of spades, and shifted to a heart. Declarer ducked, and East won with the heart king and led the jack. West trumped dummy’s heart queen and gave East a spade ruff. East returned a heart which partner trumped. East’s diamond ace was the defenders seventh trick, and North-South were down three.
S A Q 7 5 3
H 6
D 8 7 6 3
C K Q 10
Table S 9
H K J 9 8 7 2
D A 2
C 9 6 5 2
76575 =
55868 =
Par NS -100
S K J 10
H Q 5 4
D 5 4
C A J 8 4 3

Italy NS
3 D N -2 -100
 +1 108

  America NS
  3 D N -3 -150
   -1 70

71. S deals
Both vul
S J 5 3 2
D Q 5 4 3
C 10 7 4 3
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 S1 NT
2 H2 S3 HPass
North led the deuce of spades. Dummy ruffed and played the queen of clubs which South won with the ace. South returned the spade king and declarer ruffed in dummy, led the diamond eight and passed it to North’s queen. North led another spade which was ruffed by the heart queen, and declarer discarded his last spade on the king of clubs. West lost a trick to South’s heart ten and made his contract.West led the four of hearts. The defenders ran five hearts, and South discarded a diamond and a spade. West cashed the diamond ace and led the nine. Declarer took dummy’s diamond queen, played the spade jack and let it ride. West won with the spade queen and led another diamond. North-South made two high spades and the club ace, and went down three.
S Q 8 7 6
H 9 8 6 4 2
D A 9 6
C 9
Table S
H A Q J 3
D J 10 8 2
C K Q 8 5 2
48345 48355
85A87 =
Par NS -500
S A K 10 9 4
H 10 7 5
D K 7
C A J 6

Italy NS
4 H W = -620
 -4 108

  America NS
  1 NT S -3 -300
   +4 74

72. W deals
None vul
S Q 10 6 5
H A K 10 7 6
D J 4
C 9 8
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
PassPass1 CPassPassPass1 SPass
1 DDblPass1 H1 NTPass2 CPass
Pass2 H2 SAP2 SAP
South led the deuce of hearts. Declarer ruffed the second heart lead and led a low club. South took the club king, and his trump lead was won by declarer’s spade king. Now dummy’s club queen was cashed, another heart ruffed, and East’s club ace was led and trumped by North. North led a diamond and the queen fell to South’s king. South played a club, and North trumped. The ace and jack of spades gave declarer eight tricks and his contract.South led the heart deuce. East trumped the second heart lead and led a low club. South took the club king, and East ruffed the heart return. Declarer led a club to dummy’s queen and took a diamond finesse, lost to the king. South led a spade; East won the king, cashed the diamond ace and exited with a diamond. Declarer ruffed the fourth heart lead, and made dummy’s spade ace and jack to fulfill his contract.
S A J 3
H 8 5 3
D 10 9 8 7 2
C Q 5
Table S K 8 7 4
D A Q 5
C A J 6 4 2
65945 =
68498 =
Par NS +100
S 9 2
H J 9 4 2
D K 6 3
C K 10 7 3

Italy NS
2 S E = -110
 Tie 108

  America NS
  2 S E = -110
   Tie 74

Italy leads by 34 IMPs

Match AW58 MainTop 1958 Bermuda Bowl Final

Segment 5

73. N deals
E-W vul
S K 10 9 5 4
H 10 7 4 3
C Q 8 6
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 CPassPass1 HPass
1 DPass1 HPassPass1 SPassPass
1 NTAP2 DPassPass2 S (AP)
North led the ten of spades. Declarer won with the spade queen and led the nine of clubs which held. The club jack was won by South’s ace, and South led a spade. Dummy’s spade jack won and the diamond ten was taken by North’s ace. North led spade to dummy’s ace, and the diamond king and the king and ten of clubs gave West his contract.East led the king of diamonds. North won, led to the ace of clubs and played a spade to his ten. East took the spade jack and led diamond which declarer ruffed. Declarer laid down the spade king which dropped West’s queen and was taken by East’s ace. East exited with a spade; declarer won, finessed the queen of hearts and trumped another diamond. Then he led a low club and West won with the jack. West cashed two diamond tricks; and when East dropped the king of clubs, declarer’s club was high. North made eight tricks.
S Q 6
H J 9
D Q 9 7 5 4 2
C J 9 2
Table S A J 7
H K 8 6 2
D K 10
C K 10 7 4
78746 68746
65587 =
Par NS +110
S 8 3 2
H A Q 5
D J 8 6 3
C A 5 3

Italy NS
1 NT W = -90
 -3 108

  America NS
  2 S N = +110
   +3 77

74. E deals
Both vul
S Q J 7
H A K 6 5
D K Q 10 3
C 10 3
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 HPass2 H (AP)Pass1 HPass2 H (AP)
East led the spade four. West won dummy’s ten with the ace and shifted to the diamond six. North won the king, cashed the heart ace led a small heart to dummy’s seven, West winning the nine. A high heart was taken by North’s king. A club was led; East played the king which was ducked in dummy. A diamond lead was won by West’s ace. West drew the remaining trumps with the jack. Declarer claimed the balance to make his contract.East led the spade nine. Dummy’s king lost to West’s ace and West cashed the diamond ace. A spade lead was taken by South who cashed the ace and king of hearts. Declarer cashed the diamond king, the high spade and the diamond queen. He then led the diamond ten which held, and cashed the club ace to make his contract.
S A 6 3
H Q J 9 4
D A 8 6
C 7 6 4
Table S 9 8 5 4 2
H 8
D J 5 2
C K Q 9 2
87977 87988
45455 45445
Par NS +140
S K 10
H 10 7 3 2
D 9 7 4
C A J 8 5

Italy NS
2 H N = +110
 Tie 108

  America NS
  2 H N = +110
   Tie 77

75. S deals
None vul
S K J 10 9
H A Q 9 8 5
D 7 4
C 6 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
3 CAPPass1 H2 D2 H
3 CPass3 D3 H
PassPass4 CAP
North led the diamond seven. Declarer ran six clubs and six diamonds, making a total of twelve tricks.North led the heart ace. This held and a spade was played, South winning the ace and cashing the heart king. A spade was led to North’s king, defeating the contract one trick.
S 8 4
H 7 4
D Q 3 2
C A Q J 9 7 4
Table S Q 5 3
H 10 6
D A K J 10 9 8
C K 10
19911 =
43499 =
Par NS +100
S A 7 6 2
H K J 3 2
D 6 5
C 8 5 3

Italy NS
3 C W +3 -170
 -4 108

  America NS
  4 C W -1 +50
   +4 81

76. W deals
N-S vul
S A K 4
H K 6
D A 7 5
C Q 10 9 8 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 C2 SPassPass1 NTPass2 C
Pass2 NTPass3 NT (AP)Pass2 DPass2 NT
Pass3 NTAP
East led the heart seven. West’s ten lost to North’s king and a club lead to dummy’s king was taken by West’s ace. The spade queen was taken by declarer and a heart ducked by East was won in dummy by the queen. North cashed the club jack and a club was led to the queen. A diamond to the ten forced West’s king. Declarer lost one more trick to the heart ace, making four-odd.East opened a spade six. West played the queen and declarer ducked. A spade continuation was taken by North’s ace and a club led to dummy’s king, which held. The club jack was played, West ducking, East discarding a spade. The third club lead was won by West’s ace and a small heart shift taken by North’s king. A heart continuation was won by East, who led the spade jack. Declarer conceded the last trick to the diamond king, making his contract.
S Q 8
H 10 5 4
D K 4 3
C A 7 6 5 3
Table S J 10 7 6 5 2
H A 9 8 7
D J 9 8
9699A =
37443 37433
Par NS +500
S 9 3
H Q J 3 2
D Q 10 6 2
C K J 4

Italy NS
3 NT N +1 +630
 +1 109

  America NS
  3 NT N = +600
   -1 81

77. N deals
Both vul
S J 10 8 7 3 2
H 4 3
D 7 6
C Q 9 3
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 S2 HPass1 S2 H
PassPassPass3 DAP
West led the diamond five. East’s king was taken by declarer’s ace. The spade king was led, won by East’s ace, and a spade return won by West’s queen, South discarding a club. West played the heart queen, South’s ace winning, and a club was led, East winning the ten. East played a small spade, South discarding a diamond, West ruffing with the jack. A club was ruffed by declarer who led the diamond jack, West winning the queen. A club return was ruffed by South. Declarer lost a diamond and a heart for down two.North led the heart four; South won the ace and continued a heart to declarer. A diamond to dummy’s nine was won by South’s ace, and a heart returned; declarer pitching a spade, North ruffing. A spade was taken by dummy’s ace and a club led to declarer’s ace. A diamond was won by South and a heart return ruffed by declarer, who drew the remaining trumps, finessed North in clubs and claimed the rest for his contract.
S Q 5
D Q 10 8 5 2
C A 7 6 5
Table S A 9 6 4
H K 9 2
D K 9
C K J 10 8
35532 =
A88AB =
Par NS -630
H A 10 8 7 6 5
D A J 4 3
C 4 2

Italy NS
2 H S -2 -200
 -2 109

  America NS
  3 D W = -110
   +2 83

78. E deals
None vul
H 10 8 6
D 10 9 8 7
C A Q 10 5 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 HPass1 HPass
1 NTPass2 NTPass1 SPass2 DPass
South led the club four. North won the ace and returned a club, East winning the king. A diamond was led, taken by South’s ace and a spade dropped North’s king to declarer’s ace. East won the heart ace and played a heart, South winning the king. Declarer eventually lost a diamond for down one.North led the diamond ten. South won the ace and led a club to North’s king. The heart ten was taken by dummy’s ace and declarer cashed dummy’s club king. Two top diamonds were led from dummy, West discarding two hearts. The spade ace was cashed and declarer conceded a club and a spade, making three-odd.
S Q 10 9 8 7 5
H J 9 4
C 8 6 3
Table S A 3
H A Q 7 5
D K Q 6 5 2
C K 7
63447 =
79996 =
Par NS -140
S J 6 4 2
H K 3 2
D A 4 3
C J 9 4

Italy NS
4 H E -1 +50
 +3 112

  America NS
  2 S W +1 -140
   -3 83

79. S deals
N-S vul
S A K 9 5 4 3
H 9 6 4
D J 7 3
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 HPass1 SPass1 H1 SPassPass
2 CPass2 HAP2 CPassPass2 S
PassPass3 CDbl
Pass3 SAP
North led the spade king. This held and a small spade was ruffed by declarer who cashed the club king and led a small club. West discarded a spade and the ace won in dummy. A diamond was led, South ducking, West winning the king and a club was conceded to South, North discarding a small diamond. A club was continued, North discarding another diamond, ruffed by dummy’s heart ten. A spade was ruffed by South’s heart jack, overruffed by declarer and a heart taken in dummy with the king. Declarer ruffed another spade and drew the outstanding trumps, making three-odd.East led the heart king. This held and a heart was played to West’s ace and the heart queen was cashed. A club was led to East’s ace and a diamond, ducked in dummy, was taken by West’s queen. A heart was played, ruffed in dummy with the spade ten. Declarer cashed the spade queen and had to concede a diamond and a spade for down two.
S 6
H A Q 8 7 5
D K Q 9
C K 9 5 3
Table S J 8 7 2
H K 10
D 8 6 5 2
C A 6 2
46344 47445
96988 =
Par NS -400
S Q 10
H J 3 2
D A 10 4
C J 10 8 7 4

Italy NS
2 H W +1 -140
 +1 113

  America NS
  3 S N -2 -200
   -1 83

80. W deals
E-W vul
S 10 6 2
H 9 8 7 2
D K 3 2
C K 10 9
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
PassPassPass1 SPassPassPass1 D
Pass1 NTPass2 DPass1 NTPass2 D (AP)
Pass2 SAP
West led the club deuce. East won the ace and led a heart, South winning the ace and cashing two top diamonds. A third diamond was ruffed by West, who led a heart which South ruffed. A club was led to dummy’s ten, a heart ruffed, a club to dummy’s king and another heart ruffed by declarer. Declarer conceded the balance, making his contract.West led the diamond jack. Declarer won in dummy with the king and led a spade, West winning the queen. A diamond continuation was taken by South and another spade captured by East’s jack. East led a heart, South winning the ace and a third round of spades was taken by West. Declarer found the club jack and gave up only one club trick, making three-odd.
S A Q 4
H K 10 6 3
D J 10
C J 4 3 2
Table S K J 3
H Q J 5 4
D 9 8 5
C A 8 5
67596 =
55846 =
Par NS +110
S 9 8 7 5
D A Q 7 6 4
C Q 7 6

Italy NS
2 S S = +110
 Tie 113

  America NS
  2 D S +1 +110
   Tie 83

81. N deals
None vul
S 6
H 5 4 3
D A K 9 5
C K 9 6 5 3
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 DPassPass1 SPass
1 SPass2 SAPPassDblPass2 C
2 S3 CPassPass
North led the club five. South won the jack, cashed the club queen and led the spade nine which was taken by dummy’s queen. The spade ace was cashed and declarer ran three high hearts. A high spade was taken in dummy and the thirteenth heart led, declarer taking seven tricks for down one.South led the spade jack. Declarer won in dummy, led a spade to the ace and cashed three rounds of hearts, ending in his hand. A heart was played and a club discarded in dummy. Declarer took a total of seven tricks for down two.
S K 8 4 3
H Q 8 2
D 8 7 4 2
C 8 4
Table S A Q 5 2
H A K 10 6
D Q 10 6
C 10 7
65669 =
67773 =
Par NS +110
S J 10 9 7
H J 9 7
D J 3
C A Q J 2

Italy NS
2 S W -1 +50
 -1 113

  America NS
  3 S E -2 +100
   +1 84

82. E deals
N-S vul
S A 5 4
H K 8 5 2
C 6 4 3 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 HPass1 SPass
1 SPass2 SPass2 CPass2 HPass
2 NTPass3 DPass2 SPass3 HPass
3 NTAP3 SPass4 SAP
North led the club six. South’s king was taken by declarer’s ace and a spade, ducked by North, was won by dummy’s king. A diamond to West’s king lost to North’s ace and a heart lead was taken in dummy with the queen. The spade queen was taken by North’s ace and another spade won by declarer. A heart was taken in dummy by the jack, declarer then cashing the heart ace and conceding a heart to North. Declarer claimed the balance, making four-odd.South led the diamond deuce. Dummy’s king was taken by North’s ace and a diamond return won in dummy with the queen. A heart was led to the queen and the heart ace cashed. A heart was ruffed in dummy and a spade return taken by North’s ace. Declarer conceded a diamond at the end, making his contract.
S 10 9 6 3
H 9 4
D K Q 8
C A Q 10 7
Table S K Q J 7
H A Q J 6 3
D 9 7 6 5
33446 32346
AA997 =
Par NS -430
S 8 2
H 10 7
D 10 4 3 2
C K J 9 8 5

Italy NS
3 NT W +1 -430
 Tie 113

  America NS
  4 S E = -420
   Tie 84

83. S deals
E-W vul
S 10
H 8 7 6 5
D A J 6 5 4
C 10 8 7
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 D1 D
2 S3 D4 SAP1 S2 D4 S5 D
North led the diamond ace. A club shift was taken by dummy’s ace, declarer drawing trumps and conceding a trick to the heart ace, making eleven tricks.North led the diamond ace. This held and a club shift was won by declarer who drew trumps and conceded a trick to the heart ace, making his contract.
S A Q J 9 7 3
H J 4
D 9 3
C K 5 4
Table S K 8 6 5 4
H K Q 9 3
D 7
C A 9 6
52686 =
7B756 =
Par NS -650
S 2
H A 10 2
D K Q 10 8 2
C Q J 3 2

Italy NS
4 S W +1 -650
 Tie 113

  America NS
  5 S W = -650
   Tie 84

84. W deals
Both vul
S A 3
H A J 10 8 2
D K 9 6
C K 10 6
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 HPass1 S1 HPass1 SPass
Pass1 NTPass2 C1 NTPass2 DPass
East led the spade queen. North ducked and won a spade continuation. A club was led to dummy’s queen and the heart nine led. West and North ducked. Declarer ran four more clubs and cashed the heart ace. Defenders took the balance, declarer making his contract.South led the heart nine. The queen was played from dummy, North winning the ace and a club returned, South taking the queen. The club ace was cashed and a third club led, ruffed in dummy. East cashed dummy’s heart king discarding a diamond and led a third heart, ruffing with the spade ten. South discarded the diamond five. East finessed dummy’s diamond ten. North won the king and continued a heart, East ruffing with the spade jack. A diamond was led, ruffed by South, and a spade taken by North’s ace. A spade was continued and declarer could take no more tricks. Down three.
S K 7 2
H K Q 5 4 3
D A 10 2
C 9 4
Table S Q J 10 4
H 6
D Q J 8 4 3
C J 5 3
8796A =
36473 =
Par NS +140
S 9 8 6 5
H 9 7
D 7 5
C A Q 8 7 2

Italy NS
2 NT N = +120
 -3 113

  America NS
  2 S E -3 +300
   +3 87

85. N deals
N-S vul
S J 7 6 5
H A Q 9 8 6
D 10 2
C 9 3
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 SPassPass1 SPass
1 NTPass2 CPass1 NTPass2 C2 H
3 CAP3 C3 H3 SPass
South led the diamond ace. The diamond king was cashed and a third diamond ruffed by North. Declarer won the next lead and spread the hand, making four-odd.South led the diamond king. South cashed the diamond ace and continued a diamond which North ruffed. Declarer ruffed North’s heart ace, drew trump and claimed the balance, making his contract.
S 9
H 4 3 2
D Q J 7 5
C K Q 7 6 4
Table S A K Q 8 3
D 9 8 6 4
C A 10 5 2
54822 =
685BA =
Par NS -400
S 10 4 2
H K J 10 7 5
D A K 3
C J 8

Italy NS
3 C E +1 -130
 Tie 113

  America NS
  4 C E = -130
   Tie 87

86. E deals
E-W vul
S K 4
H A Q J 9 5 3
D K 8 7 5
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 C3 C1 S4 C
Pass3 HPass4 C4 S5 CDblAP
4 SDblPass5 C
West led the diamond queen. West was permitted to hold another diamond and a spade was taken by East’s queen. East cashed the diamond ace and eventually took a club to defeat the contract three tricks.West led the diamond queen. Declarer ducked in dummy and the defenders cashed two more diamonds. The spade ace was taken and declarer lost a club to East for down three.
S J 9 8 6 5 3
H K 6 2
D Q J 9
C 7
Table S A Q 7 2
H 10 7 4
D A 10 3
C K 10 9
44779 33758
98654 98653
Par NS -100
S 10
H 8
D 6 4 2
C A J 8 6 5 4 3 2

Italy NS
5 C× S -3 -500
 Tie 113

  America NS
  5 C× S -3 -500
   Tie 87

87. S deals
Both vul
S A 9 8
H 5
D A K 9 8
C A Q 9 8 3
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 CPass1 HPass1 DPass1 H
Pass2 DPass2 HPass2 CPass2 H
Pass2 NTPass3 H (AP)Pass2 NTPass3 H (AP)
West led the spade jack. A spade continuation was taken by dummy’s ace and two high diamonds were cashed in dummy, South discarding a club. Declarer ruffed a diamond, led a club to dummy’s ace and ruffed a club. A spade was led, East winning the queen, West discarding the diamond jack. East led a small heart, West winning the king and a small heart return was taken by East’s ace. East cashed a high spade and West took a heart trick to de feat the contract.West led the spade jack. Declarer ducked and won the spade continuation with dummy’s ace. The heart five was played, East ducking, declarer winning the king. A small heart was led, dropping East’s ace. The defenders cashed a spade and a high heart, defeating the contract one trick.
S J 10
H J 10 7 4
D Q J 6 5
C K 10 4
Table S K Q 5 3
H A 2
D 10 7 4 2
C J 7 5
69A68 =
74374 64364
Par NS +620
S 7 6 4 2
H K Q 9 8 6 3
D 3
C 6 2

Italy NS
3 H S -1 -100
 Tie 113

  America NS
  3 H S -1 -100
   Tie 87

88. W deals
None vul
S A K 9 7 5
H A Q 7 5 2
D Q 7
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 HDbl4 C4 D1 HDbl4 CPass
5 C5 SAPPassDblPass4 S (AP)
East led the heart nine. North won the ace and queen of spades and led a low diamond, West ducking, the queen winning in dummy. A diamond return dropped the three outstanding honors and North spread his hand claiming the balance.West led the club king. Dummy’s ace won and the ace and king of spades were cashed. The diamond queen was led, West winning the ace and a diamond return. Declarer claimed the balance, making six-odd.
S J 4
H K J 10 6 4
D A 5 3
C K Q 5
Table S 6 2
H 9
D J 4
C J 10 9 8 7 6 3 2
8C9B5 =
11418 =
Par NS +900
S Q 10 8 3
H 8 3
D K 10 9 8 6 2
C 4

Italy NS
5 S N = +450
 Tie 113

  America NS
  4 S S +1 +450
   Tie 87

89. N deals
E-W vul
S 6 2
H A J 10 7 5 2
C A 8 5 4 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 HDbl3 D1 HDbl4 D
North led the heart ace. A small club was won by South’s king and a diamond ruffed by North. North cashed the club ace and South ruffed a club continuation. A diamond was ruffed by West’s spade ace and declarer claimed the balance. Down two.North led the heart ace. The club ace was cashed and a club ruffed by South. North ruffed a diamond, South ruffed a club and a diamond return was ruffed by declarer’s spade ace. Trumps were drawn and declarer claimed the balance. Down two.
S A 8 7 5 3
H K Q 6 4
C 10 6 3
Table S K Q 10 9
H 8
D A K 8 3
C Q J 9 7
42875 =
98558 =
Par NS -300
S J 4
H 9 3
D J 10 9 7 6 5 4 2

Italy NS
4 S W -2 +200
 -4 113

  America NS
  4 S× W -2 +500
   +4 91

90. E deals
Both vul
H J 8 4
D Q 10 9 3
C 7 6 4 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass2 CPass1 S
Pass2 HPass2 SPass1 NTPass3 D
Pass2 NTPass3 NT (AP)Pass3 SPass4 S (AP)
East led the heart deuce. West’s king won and a heart continuation was taken by dummy’s ace. Declarer cashed two high spades, the diamond ace, two spades in dummy and the club ace. He then took three diamonds, making four-odd.West led the club queen. South ducked, and a diamond shift was ruffed by East. Declarer lost one more trick in hearts later, making his contract.
S 8
H K 10 6 3
D J 8 7 4 2
C Q J 8
Table S 10 9 4 3 2
H Q 9 7 2
C K 10 5 3
AA5A7 =
33736 =
Par NS +630
S A Q 7 6 5
H A 5
D A K 6 5
C A 9

Italy NS
3 NT N +1 +630
 Tie 113

  America NS
  4 S S = +620
   Tie 91

91. S deals
None vul
S A K 7
H K Q 4
D J 10
C K 10 9 7 4
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 D1 D
Pass2 CPass3 CPass2 CPass3 C
Pass3 SPass4 CPass4 NTPass5 H
Pass4 DPass4 NTPass6 CAP
Pass5 DPass6 C (AP)
East led the heart ace. A diamond shift was ducked by declarer, West taking the king to set the contract one trick.East led the diamond four. Declarer ducked, West winning the king and a heart shift to East’s ace defeated the contract.
S J 10 9 6 2
H 8 5 3 2
D K 9
C Q 2
Table S Q 8 5 4 3
H A 10 6
D 8 5 4 2
C 5
B69AB =
27322 =
Par NS +460
H J 9 7
D A Q 7 6 3
C A J 8 6 3

Italy NS
6 C N -1 -50
 Tie 113

  America NS
  6 C N -1 -50
   Tie 91

92. W deals
N-S vul
S K 10
H K 8 7 6 4
D 10 3
C A 6 3 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
PassPass1 DPassPassPass1 CPass
1 SPass4 SAP1 DPass1 NTAP
North led the diamond ten. South won the queen, cashed the diamond ace and led a third diamond which North ruffed. North won his club ace to defeat the contract.South led the club ten. North ducked, East winning the king. The spade ace was cashed and a spade continuation taken by North. A diamond lead was won by South’s queen and another club ducked by North, East winning the queen. A diamond lead was taken by South’s ace and two tricks by North. Declarer took the balance, making one overtrick.
S J 8 4 2
H Q 10 3
D 9 6 4
C J 7 4
Table S A Q 9 5
D K J 8 7
C K Q 8
54646 53646
89697 =
Par NS -140
S 7 6 3
H 9 5 2
D A Q 5 2
C 10 9 5

Italy NS
4 S W -1 +50
 +3 116

  America NS
  1 NT E +1 -120
   -3 91

Italy leads by 25 IMPs

Match AW58 MainTop 1958 Bermuda Bowl Final

Segment 6

93. N deals
Both vul
S A 6
H 9 7
D K 9 6 4
C A Q 9 3 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 DPass1 H1 DPass1 H
1 S2 C2 S4 C (AP)1 S2 C2 SAP
The seven of spades was led by East. North took the ace and pulled two rounds of trumps. The nine of hearts was led and East went up with the ace. East played a spade and West’s queen won. West cashed the ace of diamonds and North claimed four.North led the nine of hearts. Dummy’s ace was played and a spade led. North’s ace won and a low heart led the South’s queen. South shifted to a spade and the eight was won in dummy. Dummy’s low diamond was led to declarer’s ace and the queen was then played, North holding off. Declarer played the ten of clubs and North ducked, South winning with the jack. Dummy’s last trump was removed and declarer conceded another heart and a club making his contract.
S Q J 10 9 2
H 10 8 5 4
C 10 4
Table S K 8 7
H A J 6 2
D J 10 8 5 2
C 6
7456A =
58862 =
Par NS +130
S 5 4 3
H K Q 3
D 7 3
C K J 8 7 5

Italy NS
4 C N = +130
 +4 120

  America NS
  2 S W = -110
   -4 91

94. E deals
None vul
S J 10 8 4
H J 7 2
D Q J 10
C K 9 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 HPass1 C
Pass1 SPass2 C (AP)1 HDblPass1 NT (AP)
West led the diamond king. He shifted to the ace of spades and another spade. East took the king and led the queen. On the fourth spade declarer ditched a diamond and West ruffed. A club was played and declarer proceeded to run five rounds of clubs. However, he had to give up a heart trick to West’s queen, going down a trick.West led the five of hearts. Dummy’s jack won and the queen of diamonds was played. West took the ace and played another heart. Declarer won with the king and led a low diamond. West took the king and played a heart. South won the trick, crossed to dummy with the king of clubs and cashed the last diamond. Four more clubs were taken by declarer and the rest conceded to defenders. The contract was made with two overtricks.
S A 2
H Q 10 9 6 5
D A K 8 4
C 10 6
Table S K Q 7 3
H 8 4
D 9 7 6 2
C J 4 3
77547 87547
56785 =
Par NS +100
S 9 6 5
H A K 3
D 5 3
C A Q 8 7 5

Italy NS
2 C S -1 -50
 -3 120

  America NS
  1 NT S +2 +150
   +3 94

95. S deals
N-S vul
S A 6 2
H K Q 4
D A 8 7 6
C A 3 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 D1 NT2 C3 NT (AP)Pass1 NTPass3 NT (AP)
East led the nine of diamonds. Dummy covered and West won with the jack. A low club was led and East’s king won. East continued clubs and North won with the ace. A low spade was led and dummy’s ten lost to the jack. West played the king of diamonds and a low diamond and declarer finessed with the six. The ace was cashed, three rounds of hearts, and the club queen, but declarer had to lose a trick to East’s spade king, going down a trick.East led the jack of clubs. North took the ace and led the ace and another spade, losing to West’s jack. West played the king of diamonds and North ducked. A club lead was taken in the dummy as East held off. Declarer returned to his hand with the king of hearts and led a low spade. East put up the king and cashed three more clubs defeating the contract two tricks.
S J 9 5
H 8 7 5 2
D K Q J 5
C 9 7
Table S K 8 3
H 9 6 3
D 9 4
C K J 10 5 4
99898 98888
44545 =
Par NS +600
S Q 10 7 4
H A J 10
D 10 3 2
C Q 8 6

Italy NS
3 NT N -1 -100
 +2 122

  America NS
  3 NT N -2 -200
   -2 94

96. W deals
E-W vul
S 3
H A K J 7 5
D 10 6 5
C 9 7 6 4
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
PassPassPassPassPass2 HPassPass
East led the four of spades. West won and continued spades and North ruffed. Declarer led a low club and dummy’s queen held. Dummy’s king was led and East took the ace and played the ten. Declarer ruffed in dummy and returned to his hand by trumping a spade. An other club was led and ruffed by East’s queen. East cashed the ace of diamonds and declarer took the rest making three odd.
H 8 4 3
D 8 4 2
C J 5 3 2
Table S 9 7 4 2
H Q 9
D A J 9 3
C A 10 8
67A67 =
66366 =
Par NS +420
S J 10 8 6 5
H 10 6 2
D K Q 7

Italy NS
Passed out  0
 -3 122

  America NS
  2 H N +1 +140
   +3 97

97. N deals
None vul
S K J 7 3 2
H A 10 7 5 4
D 6
C 7 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 NTPassPass1 HPass
2 C2 HDblPass1 SPass2 CPass
Pass2 SPassPass3 NTAP
East led the king of clubs. He continued a low club and West won with the ace. West shifted to a low trump and East won with the ten. He cashed the ace of spades and led a low diamond, West taking the king. Declarer was able to make only the ace of hearts and his three remaining trumps going down four.North led the five of hearts. Dummy’s king won and two rounds of clubs were cashed in dummy. A third was taken by declarer’s ace and the nine of hearts led. North ducked and dummy’s queen won. Declarer returned to his hand with the last club and led a spade. Dummy’s ten held and the jack of diamonds was played. South covered and West took the ace. He returned to dummy’s hand with the spade ace and led the nine of diamonds, finessing South’s ten. Declarer cashed his last diamond and conceded the rest making five odd.
S Q 8 6 4
H 9 6
D A K 8
C A J 6 4
Table S A 10
H K Q J 3
D J 9 4
C K Q 8 5
24342 =
B9A9B B998B
Par NS -460
S 9 5
H 8 2
D Q 10 7 5 3 2
C 10 9 3

Italy NS
2 S× N -4 -700
 -4 122

  America NS
  3 NT W +2 -460
   +4 101

98. E deals
N-S vul
S A K Q J 5 2
H Q 10 6
D K 8 4
C 8
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 C3 HPass1 H
3 NT4 HAPDblRdblPass2 H
Pass4 NTPass5 H
Pass6 HAP
West led the ace of clubs. Then the diamond queen was led and dummy’s king won. Declarer tried the heart finesse and lost. The rest were easily won by declarer making an overtrick.The ace of clubs was led. West shifted to the diamond queen and dummy won. The heart finesse lost and the contract was defeated.
S 10 9 6
H K 4
D Q J 10 7 6
C A K 7
Table S 8 7 4 3
H 9
D 9 3 2
C Q 6 4 3 2
9BB77 =
42165 =
Par NS +650
H A J 8 7 5 3 2
D A 5
C J 10 9 5

Italy NS
4 H S +1 +650
 +7 129

  America NS
  6 H S -1 -100
   -7 101

99. S deals
E-W vul
S A 10
H Q 5 4 3
D K J 10 7
C A Q 6
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 H
1 CDbl2 C2 D (AP)Pass3 HAP
West led the four of clubs. North won with the queen and the club ace was cashed. A third club was ruffed by declarer and a low diamond led. Dummy’s king won. Another round of diamonds was taken by East’s queen. East played a spade and West’s king forced dummy’s ace. A low heart was led from dummy and South’s ace won. Declarer led a heart back and West took the king. Defenders were able to take two more tricks and declarer made an overtrick.West led the four of clubs. North’s queen won and a low spade led. West took the king and returned a low diamond. North’s king was played and another diamond led. East took the queen and played a small club which was taken by dummy’s ace. Another diamond was won by West and a low spade was won by dummy. A club was trumped by declarer and the ace of hearts and another heart led. West took this heart and declarer was able to make the rest making his contract.
S K 7 2
H K 10 9
D A 6 5
C K 9 5 4
Table S Q J 8 4
H J 8 6
D Q 4
C J 10 7 2
67896 =
66547 =
Par NS +110
S 9 6 5 3
H A 7 2
D 9 8 3 2
C 8 3

Italy NS
2 D S +1 +110
 -1 129

  America NS
  3 H S = +140
   +1 102

100. W deals
Both vul
S J 9 5
H J 10 5
D A 10 8
C K 10 7 5
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 DPass1 SPass1 HPass1 SPass
1 NTPass3 SPass2 DPass3 SPass
South led the four of clubs. East put in dummy’s ace and crossed to his hand with the heart ace. A low spade was led toward dummy’s queen and South put up the king. North won the next trick with the king of clubs and returned the jack of hearts. West’s king was won and the queen of spades cashed. Declarer was able to win the remaining tricks minus the ace of diamonds. The contract was made.North led the nine of spades. South’s king won and the four of clubs led. North took the king and returned a club knocking out declarer’s ace. Declarer cashed the queen of spades and crossed to dummy with the ace of hearts. Dummy’s spades were taken and both defenders discarded a club enabling declarer to force the diamond ace and make his contract.
S Q 2
H K 8 7 3
D K J 7 5 4
Table S A 10 7 6 4 3
H A 6
D Q 9 2
C 9 2
53537 =
8A7A6 =
Par NS -620
S K 8
H Q 9 4 2
D 6 3
C Q 8 6 4 3

Italy NS
4 S E = -620
 -1 129

  America NS
  3 NT W = -600
   +1 103

101. N deals
N-S vul
S A 8
H A K 9 8 7
D K 9 4
C Q 7 5
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 HPass1 S1 HPass1 S
DblPass1 NTPassPass2 CPass2 H (AP)
2 CPassPassDbl (AP)
North led the ace of hearts. Then he played the ace and another spade. South won and returned the five of hearts which West ruffed. A diamond was led and South’s queen won. Declarer was later able to cash the ace of diamonds and ruff a diamond. When clubs broke he was able to make four club tricks going down two tricks.East led the jack of diamonds. West took his ace and played a low diamond which was won by dummy’s queen. A low trump was led and North’s ace won. The king was cashed and West showed out. Three rounds of spades were cashed and a fourth ruffed by declarer. The king of diamonds was trumped by East and the queen of hearts cashed. East pulled declarer’s last trump with the ten and the defenders made the rest defeating the contract one trick.
S 9 7 5
D A 5 3 2
C A K 10 4 2
Table S J 10 6 2
H Q 10 6 4 3
D J 10
C 6 3
88788 =
44545 =
Par NS +120
S K Q 4 3
H 5 2
D Q 8 7 6
C J 9 8

Italy NS
2 C× W -2 +300
 +5 134

  America NS
  2 H N -1 -100
   -5 103

102. E deals
E-W vul
S 8
H 8 4
D J 9 7 3
C A Q 10 8 7 5
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 S2 C3 S4 C1 S3 C4 S5 C
4 D5 C5 HPassDblPass5 SAP
5 S6 CPassPass
East led the spade queen, dummy’s ace won and a low diamond was led. West took the king and led a spade which declarer ruffed. Declarer cashed two rounds of trumps and was forced to concede another diamond and two hearts, going down three.North led the ace of clubs and shifted to a spade. Declarer won and continued spades. South cashed the ace and played his last spade. Declarer made the overtrick by correctly guessing the heart queen.
S K 7 6 5 2
H K 10 2
D A K 8
C J 3
Table S Q J 10 9
H A J 7 3
D Q 10 5 2
C 9
62349 =
6B894 =
Par NS -500
S A 4 3
H Q 9 6 5
D 6 4
C K 6 4 2

Italy NS
6 C× N -3 -500
 +3 137

  America NS
  5 S W +1 -680
   -3 103

103. S deals
Both vul
S K 8 2
H A 5
D J 9 6
C K Q 9 6 5
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 D1 SPassPass1 CDblPass
2 SAP1 HPass1 NTAP
South led the seven of clubs. Declarer’s ace won and a low club returned. North won with the king and cashed the ace of hearts. A low heart was led to South’s king and another heart ruffed by North. Then a club was led and trumped by dummy. Declarer successfully finessed the spade king, pulled trumps, crossed to dummy’s ace of diamonds and cashed West’s last heart making his contract.South led the seven of clubs. Declarer won with the jack and led the queen of spades which was taken by North’s king. North played the king of clubs which was allowed to hold, and another club. East took the ace and played the spade ace. Then a low heart was led and North won; North cashed his two remaining clubs and led a low diamond. East’s eight forced South’s king and declarer claimed the balance.
S 9 6 4
H Q J 6 4
D A 10 7 2
C 10 8
Table S A Q J 10
H 8 7 3
D Q 8 4
C A J 2
45457 45456
88986 =
Par NS -140
S 7 5 3
H K 10 9 2
D K 5 3
C 7 4 3

Italy NS
2 S E = -110
 -1 137

  America NS
  1 NT E = -90
   +1 104

104. W deals
None vul
S 8 7
H A 8
D 9 8
C A J 10 9 7 6 5
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 D2 C2 HPass1 S3 C4 SPass
2 S3 C3 SPassPassPass
4 DPass4 SAP
North led the ace of clubs. Then he played the nine of diamonds and dummy’s jack won. Declarer was able to claim four spade tricks and six diamond tricks making his contract.North led the ace of hearts. He then cashed the club ace and led the eight of hearts. South took the king and returned a heart, West trumping with the ten. Declarer cashed three rounds of spades and was able to claim the balance.
S A 10 6 2
H 5 2
D A K 7 4 3 2
Table S K Q 9 4
H Q J 10 9 6 4
32338 =
4AAA4 =
Par NS -420
S J 5 3
H K 7 3
D 10 6 5
C 8 4 3 2

Italy NS
4 S W = -420
 Tie 137

  America NS
  4 S W = -420
   Tie 104

105. N deals
E-W vul
S Q 8 6
H 9 7 5 2
D A 6 4
C A 10 8
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
PassPass1 CPassPass1 H
Pass1 HPass2 H (AP)Pass2 HAP
East played the king of diamonds. Declarer took the ace and led the two of hearts, East taking the king. Two rounds of diamonds were cashed by East and a low spade led. West played the ace and cashed the ace of hearts. Declarer claimed the rest making two.West played the jack of diamonds. North won and hearts were led. West’s ace won and he played another diamond. Another diamond was taken by East and the king of hearts cashed. Declarer conceded a spade trick and claimed eight tricks.
S A 10 9 3
H A 4 3
D J 7
C 9 5 4 3
Table S 5 2
H K 6
D K Q 10 9 8
C Q J 7 6
66854 =
76589 =
Par NS -100
S K J 7 4
H Q J 10 8
D 5 3 2
C K 2

Italy NS
2 H N = +110
 Tie 137

  America NS
  2 H S = +110
   Tie 104

106. E deals
Both vul
S A J 9 6 2
H J 4 2
D Q J 2
C A 7
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 SPass2 CPass1 SPass2 NT
Pass2 SPass2 NT (AP)Pass3 NTAP
West led the four of diamonds. Dummy’s jack held and a low heart was led to declarer’s queen, West taking his ace. West played another diamond and East’s ace won. East continued diamonds and dummy won. Three rounds of hearts were taken and the spade ten from declarer’s hand. East won with the queen and was able to make another trick in spades. The contract was made with an overtrick.The three of clubs was led by West. East won and returned the club ten which was taken in dummy. Three rounds of hearts were led, West taking the third round. A low spade return was won by East’s queen. The club return was won by declarer and the last heart was cashed. The defenders were able to make another spade trick and the diamond ace to defeat the contract.
S 3
H A 9 8 5
D 7 6 5 4
C Q 8 5 3
Table S K Q 8 7 5
H 7 3
D A 9 8
C J 10 9
88987 =
55455 =
Par NS +140
S 10 4
H K Q 10 6
D K 10 3
C K 6 4 2

Italy NS
2 NT S +1 +150
 +4 141

  America NS
  3 NT S -1 -100
   -4 104

107. S deals
None vul
S K 9 6 2
H A K 10 7
D K 10
C Q J 7
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 CDbl1 DPass1 SDbl2 SAP
North led the ace of hearts. Then he played the king of diamonds and dummy’s ace won. The spade queen was led and held the trick. Declarer played two rounds of clubs and lost a third to North’s queen. North returned a diamond and South’s queen won. South’s diamond return was ruffed by North. North cashed the ace of hearts and later made his king of spades. The contract was made.North led the king of hearts. The club queen was led and declarer’s ace won. Declarer led a low diamond and North put up the king. Dummy’s ace won and the queen of trumps was led. This held and the jack was led, losing to North’s king. North played the jack of clubs and declarer won with the king. The ace of spades was cashed and a diamond led. South’s queen won and South cashed the club ten. South played a heart and North won with the ace. Declarer was able to make only his last trump and the contract was defeated two tricks.
S A 10 8 4
H Q 9
D 7 6 2
C A K 8 5
Table S Q J 3
H 3 2
D A J 9 8 4
C 9 4 2
76955 75945
67487 =
Par NS +140
S 7 5
H J 8 6 5 4
D Q 5 3
C 10 6 3

Italy NS
1 S W = -80
 -3 141

  America NS
  2 S W -2 +100
   +3 107

108. W deals
N-S vul
S 8 7 6 2
H K Q 10 7 4
D 3
C K J 9
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
PassPass1 DDblPassPass1 DDbl
1 H2 DPass3 C2 D3 DPass3 NT (AP)
Pass3 HPass3 NT
Pass4 CPass4 H (AP)
East led the diamond king. Dummy ducked East’s shift to the spade queen but won the next spade and led a third round, taken by West’s king. West returned a diamond which declarer ruffed. Trumps were drawn and the long spade cashed. North then played the last trump, forcing East to discard a club. How ever, declarer led to the ace of clubs and finessed the club jack, and East made the spade queen and diamond ace, setting the contract two tricks.West led the diamond nine. East took the king and shifted to the spade queen, continuing with the spade three when South ducked. Declarer ducked again, letting West make the king. West shifted to the heart nine. Declarer conceded a trick to the diamond ace and when the spades dropped under his ace he claimed nine tricks without need to finesse in clubs.
S K 9 4
H 9 8 6
D 9 8 6 5 2
C 6 3
Table S Q J 3
H 5 3 2
D A K 10 7
C Q 7 2
23261 =
Par NS +660
S A 10 5
D Q J 4
C A 10 8 5 4

Italy NS
4 H N -2 -200
 -7 141

  America NS
  3 NT S = +600
   +7 114

109. N deals
Both vul
S Q 4 2
H A 10 5
D K J 8 2
C 9 5 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
PassPass1 CPassPass1 D
1 H1 NTPass3 NT (AP)1 H2 DPass2 NT
Pass3 NTAP
East led the six of hearts. Dummy’s eight held and a low diamond was led to declarer’s king. Declarer led another diamond to dummy’s ace and West showed out. A heart was led and West split his honors. North’s ace won and the ten drove out West’s king. West played the queen of clubs and dummy’s ace won. The last heart was cashed and the spade king led. West took the ace of spades and cashed his last heart and declarer claimed the balance making three no trump.West led the four of clubs and South’s ten won. Declarer led the spade king and West took the ace. The club jack was led and South took his king. Declarer led the eight of hearts and West put in the queen. Dummy’s ace won. Dummy’s ten of hearts was led and West won with the king. Declarer lost one more trick making an overtrick.
S A 10 5
H K Q 7 4 3
D 10
C Q J 8 4
Table S 9 7 6 3
H 6
D Q 9 7 6 3
C 7 6 3
98888 98988
45455 =
Par NS +600
S K J 8
H J 9 8 2
D A 5 4
C A K 10

Italy NS
3 NT N = +600
 -1 141

  America NS
  3 NT S +1 +630
   +1 115

110. E deals
None vul
S 10 2
H A Q 9
D Q 10 5
C A Q J 7 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 H2 CDblAPPass1 CDblPass
East led the eight of hearts. North won with the nine and led the ace of trumps, followed by the queen. East took the king and led spades. The defenders cashed two spade tricks, two diamond tricks, and East later made another club trick defeating the contract.North led the five of diamonds. East’s ace won and a low heart was led. North won with the nine and led the ace and another club. Dummy’s king of clubs took the trick and a heart was led. North won with the queen and played the queen of clubs which declarer trumped. A heart was ruffed in dummy and a club ruffed in West’s hand. Declarer cashed the diamond king and played the heart king. North ruffed with the ten and dummy overruffed. The last spade was led from dummy and declarer made his jack and king making three odd.
S K J 8 3
H K J 7 6
D K 6 3
C 10 4
Table S A 9 7
H 8 2
D A 9 8 4
C K 9 5 3
44546 54546
89787 =
Par NS -140
S Q 6 5 4
H 10 5 4 3
D J 7 2
C 8 6

Italy NS
2 C× N -1 -100
 +1 142

  America NS
  1 S W +2 -140
   -1 115

111. S deals
N-S vul
S 6 3
H A 7 4
D 9 7
C K Q 10 6 5 4
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
PassPass1 D1 SPassPass1 DPass
2 DAP2 D3 CPassPass
3 DPassPassDbl (AP)
South led the eight of clubs. Declarer put in dummy’s ace and finessed the diamond. South won and led the ten of hearts which was taken by North’s ace. North then cashed the two high clubs and South signaled for a spade return. North led the six of spades and South was able to cash two spade tricks and return a spade for North to ruff. The contract was set two.The play was the same in the open room and declarer was able to take only six tricks going down three doubled.
S J 10 2
H Q 6 3
D J 10 8 4
C A J 2
Table S K 8 7
H K J 2
D A Q 3 2
C 9 7 3
78869 =
55564 44564
Par NS +110
S A Q 9 5 4
H 10 9 8 5
D K 6 5
C 8

Italy NS
2 D E -2 +100
 -5 142

  America NS
  3 D× E -3 +500
   +5 120

112. W deals
E-W vul
S K Q 8 3
H J 10 8 5
D 6 4 2
C 9 8
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 HPass2 CPass1 HPass2 CPass
3 HPass3 NTAP2 HPass3 CPass
South led the seven of spades. North won with the queen and returned the six of diamonds. West’s ace won and the queen of clubs was led from dummy. Declarer cashed five more club tricks, the ace of spades and the ace of hearts making his contract.North led the king of spades. Declarer took the ace and led a low diamond finessing dummy’s ten. South took the jack and led the nine of hearts. Declarer successfully finessed with his queen and led a spade to dummy’s jack. Dummy’s clubs were cashed and through some confusion in the discards, declarer was able to make his small heart for the twelfth trick. The contract was made with three overtricks.
S A 6
H A Q 7 6 3 2
D A 7 3
C Q 7
Table S J 10 9
H 4
D Q 10 8
C A K J 10 6 3
35351 =
A898C =
Par NS -1300
S 7 5 4 2
H K 9
D K J 9 5
C 5 4 2

Italy NS
3 NT E = -600
 +2 144

  America NS
  3 NT W +3 -690
   -2 120

Italy leads by 24 IMPs

Match AW58 MainTop 1958 Bermuda Bowl Final

Segment 7

113. N deals
None vul
S J 10 8
H K Q 8 4
D 10
C K Q J 9 8
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 HPass1 NTPassPass1 D
Pass2 CPass2 NTPass2 CAP
Pass3 NTAP
West led the queen of diamonds. West continued two more rounds of diamonds and switched to the spade nine. Dummy’s jack forced East’s king and declarer’s ace won the trick. A low club was led to dummy’s king and East’s ace won. Declarer claimed the balance making his contract.East led the five of hearts. South took the ace and led a club. East won with his ace and played another heart. Dummy’s jack won and another trump was led. East showed out and declarer was able to return to dummy to take the marked finesse for the club ten. When the spade finesse worked declarer was able to claim eleven tricks.
S 9 6 4
H 9 6 3
C 10 6 4 2
Table S K 5 3 2
H 7 5 2
D 8 7 5 4 3
99A7A =
44262 =
Par NS +420
S A Q 7
H A J 10
D J 9 6 2
C 7 5 3

Italy NS
3 NT S = +400
 +4 148

  America NS
  2 C N +3 +150
   -4 120

114. E deals
N-S vul
S J 10 6 3 2
H Q 10 4
D J 4
C 9 8 4
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 DPass1 HPass
1 HPass2 HPass2 NTPass3 NTAP
2 NTPass3 NTAP
North led the spade three. Dummy’s king was played and the ace of diamond was cashed. Then a low club was led to West’s queen. A diamond was given up to North’s jack and North knocked out declarer’s ace of spades. The remaining diamonds were cashed in dummy and the heart ace also cashed. Dummy’s last club was led and the jack played by declarer. Declarer’s ace of clubs won the tenth trick.North led the three of spades. South took the queen and continued spades, East taking his king. Diamonds were established and declarer was able to take the club finesse later making three no trump.
S A 8 5
H J 9 3
D 10 8 2
C A Q J 7
Table S K 4
H A 7 6 2
D A K 9 6 3
C 5 3
35333 =
A8AA9 =
Par NS -430
S Q 9 7
H K 8 5
D Q 7 5
C K 10 6 2

Italy NS
3 NT W +1 -430
 -1 148

  America NS
  3 NT W = -400
   +1 121

115. S deals
E-W vul
S K Q 8 2
H K 10 6 4
D 10 8 6 2
C 3
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 D1 C
Pass1 SPass2 CPass1 HPass2 C (AP)
Pass2 DAP
West led the heart two; dummy’s ten was played and East took the jack. East led the diamond king, and South won the ace. A low spade was led and North’s king held. After returning to hand with the club ace, South led another spade. West took the ace, cashed the heart queen and diamond queen, then led a low diamond, won by North’s ten. The queen of spades was cashed and a low heart ruffed in South’s hand. Declarer cashed the club king and made his last trump in dummy to make the contract.West led the diamond five. South won with the ace and led a spade to dummy’s king. Two rounds of trumps were cashed and a third lost to West’s queen. West played a low heart and East’s ace took dummy’s king. East cashed the club jack and returned a heart to West’s queen. West continued hearts and declarer trumped. Declarer was forced to lose another diamond and the ace of spades to go down one trick.
S A J 7 5
H Q 9 2
D Q 9 5
C Q 9 2
Table S 10 6 4
H A J 8 3
D K 4
C J 8 7 6
66797 66697
67646 =
Par NS +110
S 9 3
H 7 5
D A J 7 3
C A K 10 5 4

Italy NS
2 D S = +90
 +3 151

  America NS
  2 C S -1 -50
   -3 121

116. W deals
Both vul
S J 3
H A Q J 9 3
D K 9
C A Q J 7
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass2 HPass4 HPass1 HPass1 S
PassPassPassPass2 CPass3 H
Pass4 HAP
East led the ten of spades. South won with the ace and a low heart was led. North took the ace and led a heart to dummy’s ten. The spade king was cashed and another spade ruffed by North’s jack. Declarer led a heart to dummy’s king and ran two spade tricks, discarding both his diamonds. Dummy’s club was led to declarer’s jack and East took the king. Declarer claimed the balance making six.East led the three of diamonds. West took the ace and returned a diamond which was won by North’s king. Declarer cashed the ace of clubs and led the queen. South ruffed and the ten of diamonds was led to declarer’s low trump. Another club was trumped by dummy’s ten. Declarer returned to his hand with a heart and led a low spade to dummy’s ace. The king was cashed in dummy and a third round of spades trumped by declarer. Declarer ruffed his last club in dummy and claimed the balance making six.
S Q 8 5
H 5 4 2
D A Q 6 4
C 10 8 4
Table S 10 9 2
H 8
D J 8 3 2
C K 9 6 3 2
9BC78 =
32155 =
Par NS +1430
S A K 7 6 4
H K 10 7 6
D 10 7 5
C 5

Italy NS
4 H N +2 +680
 Tie 151

  America NS
  4 H N +2 +680
   Tie 121

117. N deals
N-S vul
S 6 5 4
H 10 5 4 2
D 7
C A J 10 6 5
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
PassPass1 DPassPass1 S
Pass1 HPass2 SPass1 NTPass4 S (AP)
Pass3 SPass4 S
Pass5 DPass6 S (AP)
West led the ace of hearts and shifted to a spade. South won with the ace and cashed the club king. Declarer played the ace of diamonds and ruffed a diamond. The club ace provided another diamond discard and declarer returned to his hand with the heart king and trumped his last diamond with dummy’s remaining spade. Declarer was able to claim the balance with all high trumps. The contract was made.West led the nine of clubs. South won with the king and cashed the ace of diamonds. A diamond was ruffed in dummy and a low heart led. West took the ace and returned a heart to East’s queen. East then led a spade and South won. South trumped another diamond and ditched his last diamond on the club ace making an overtrick.
S 3
H A 9 8 7
D K 9 5 2
C 9 8 7 2
Table S 10 7 2
H Q J 6
D Q 10 8 6
C Q 4 3
8B767 8B868
41475 =
Par NS +650
S A K Q J 9 8
H K 3
D A J 4 3

Italy NS
6 S S = +1430
 +7 158

  America NS
  4 S S +1 +650
   -7 121

118. E deals
E-W vul
S Q 9 4 3
H K J 2
D 10 9 6 2
C 10 5
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 DPass1 C
Pass1 HPass2 C1 SPassPassDbl
Pass2 DAPPass1 NT2 S2 NT
Pass3 NTAP
West led the five of diamonds. South won with the ace and returned a low club. East took the queen and returned a low diamond. Declarer took his king and led the jack of clubs. West won with the ace and cashed the high diamond. He then led the eight of hearts and declarer took the ace. South played the high club and then led a spade towards dummy’s queen. West went up with the king and returned a heart. Dummy’s king was played and the jack led. East won and declarer was able to make only one more trick going down two.East led the spade two. West took the king and played the five. North won with the queen and led the ten of clubs. East covered and West won with the ace. The diamond four was led by West and South’s ace won. The jack of clubs was cashed and a low club led. West won and cashed two spade tricks. West then led the diamond five and North was able to win the remaining tricks, going down one.
S A K 10 5
H 8 5
D J 5 4
C A 9 8 2
Table S J 8 2
H Q 10 9 7 4
D Q 8 3
C Q 7
77677 76677
66756 66766
Par NS +90
S 7 6
H A 6 3
D A K 7
C K J 6 4 3

Italy NS
2 D S -2 -100
 -1 158

  America NS
  3 NT N -1 -50
   +1 122

119. S deals
Both vul
S 4
H A Q 9 2
D J 8 7 3
C A K Q 5
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass2 CPass2 NTPass1 HPass3 H
Pass3 SPass4 H (AP)Pass4 HAP
West led the three of hearts. Declarer put up the ace in dummy and a low diamond was led. West took South’s king and returned the jack of clubs. Dummy’s ace won and a spade was led to South’s ace. South led a low heart and was forced to give up two heart tricks. Four hearts was made.East led the nine of diamonds. Dummy’s king was allowed to hold the trick and a low heart was led to declarer’s ace. Declarer returned to dummy with the ace of spades and led a low heart. Declarer conceded two heart tricks when West showed out making contract.
S Q J 7
H 3
D A 5 4 2
C J 10 9 8 3
Table S K 9 8 6 5
H K J 4
D 9 6
C 7 4 2
87A99 =
56334 =
Par NS +620
S A 10 3 2
H 10 8 7 6 5
D K Q 10
C 6

Italy NS
4 H S = +620
 Tie 158

  America NS
  4 H N = +620
   Tie 122

120. W deals
None vul
S 7 5 3
D Q 8 7 5 4
C 10 6 5 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
PassPass1 DDblPassPass1 HPass
Pass1 HPass1 S2 HPass3 DPass
Pass2 CAP3 HPass4 HDbl (AP)
East led the nine of clubs. South won with the ace and the ten of diamonds was led. East won two diamonds and led the spade eight to dummy’s king. The king of clubs was cashed and East showed out. A low diamond was led and East took North’s queen. East played the ace and another spade. A heart was trumped by declarer and a diamond ruffed with dummy’s jack, West holding off. Declarer ruffed another heart for his seventh trick, going down one.South led the club king then the spade king, won by East. A low heart was led to dummy’s ace dropping North’s queen, then the spade ten went to South’s queen. He returned a spade and declarer won the jack. Declarer cashed two rounds of diamonds and ruffed a third round in dummy. A low club was trumped by East. Declarer attempted to ruff an other diamond in dummy but South trumped with the nine and returned a club. Declarer lost another trump trick, going down one.
S 10 4 2
H A 8 6 5
D J 3
C Q 7 4 3
Table S A J 9 8
H K 10 4 2
D A K 6 2
C 9
55477 =
78966 88966
Par NS -140
S K Q 6
H J 9 7 3
D 10 9
C A K J 8

Italy NS
2 C N -1 -50
 -3 158

  America NS
  4 H× E -1 +100
   +3 125

121. N deals
E-W vul
S K 9 6 3
H 8 4 3
D K J 6 5
C 9 3
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
PassPass1 HPassPass1 C
DblPass1 S2 C1 SPass2 SAP
PassPass2 NTAP
South led the six of clubs. East won with the queen and led the spade jack which was taken by North. Another round of clubs was won by dummy’s ace. Declarer cashed three rounds of spades ending in his hand and led a low heart. Dummy’s king won and East was allowed to hold a second round of hearts. Declarer lost the remaining tricks going down one trick.North led the club nine, covered by the queen, king and ace. Declarer led the heart king which held, then a heart and to the queen and ace. South returned a spade and declarer finessed, losing to North’s king. North played a low spade and declarer won. A low club was led to dummy’s jack and the jack of hearts was cashed, West discarding a club. Declarer then ruffed a club with the spade ace and led a diamond. North won with the king and returned a trump. Declarer lost another diamond and heart making two spades.
S A Q 8 2
H K 2
D 8 4 3 2
C A 8 5
Table S J 10 7 5
H Q J 9 7
D Q 7
C Q J 2
65777 =
58655 =
Par NS -110
S 4
H A 10 6 5
D A 10 9
C K 10 7 6 4

Italy NS
2 NT E -1 +100
 +3 161

  America NS
  2 S W = -110
   -3 125

122. E deals
Both vul
S A 3
H A K J 6 5 3
D K 10 7
C 9 8
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 CPass1 C
Pass2 HPass2 SPass1 HPass1 S
Pass3 HPass3 NTPass3 HPass4 H
Pass4 HAPPass5 DPass5 H (AP)
East led the queen of diamonds. Declarer won with the king and cashed three rounds of trumps. Declarer exited with a fourth round and West won. West played a spade and North won with the ace. Declarer led a low club to dummy’s ace and then cashed the king in dummy. A third round was ruffed by declarer. Declarer was unable to dispose of his extra diamond and conceded two tricks (a spade and a diamond) to his opponents. Four hearts were made.East led the queen of diamonds. North won with the king and cashed the ace of trumps, dropping East’s queen. Declarer led a low spade and East took the king. East played the jack of diamonds and declarer was able to claim eleven tricks, conceding a heart to West. The contract was made.
S 8 6 5 4
H 10 9 8 4
D 8 6
C J 10 5
Table S K Q 7
D Q J 9 5 3
C Q 6 4 3
23243 =
Par NS +660
S J 10 9 2
H 7 2
D A 4 2
C A K 7 2

Italy NS
4 H N = +620
 -1 161

  America NS
  5 H N = +650
   +1 126

123. S deals
None vul
S 8 7 5 4
H A J 9
D 9 3
C 9 7 5 3
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 HPass2 DPass1 HPass2 DPass
2 HPass2 NTPass2 HPass2 NTPass
South led the six of hearts. East won with the queen and played two rounds of diamonds, South winning the second round. South played a low heart and dummy finessed, losing to the jack. North returned a low club and dummy captured South’s queen. East returned to his hand with a club and led the spade ten, finessing South’s king. Declarer was able to concede the ace of hearts and claimed the rest, making four odd.South led the two of spades. Declarer won with the ten and led a diamond to dummy’s queen. Dummy led a diamond back and South took the ace. The king of spades was led and dummy’s ace won. A low heart was led from dummy and declarer played the queen which held. Declarer cashed his jack of diamonds and gave up a diamond. South led a low heart and dummy finessed, losing to North’s jack. North cashed the ace of hearts and declarer claimed the balance making three no trump.
S A J 3
H K 10 8 7 5
D Q 8
C K J 4
Table S Q 10 9
H Q 4
D K J 7 6 2
C A 10 8
33333 =
Par NS -430
S K 6 2
H 6 3 2
D A 10 5 4
C Q 6 2

Italy NS
3 NT E +1 -430
 -1 161

  America NS
  3 NT E = -400
   +1 127

124. W deals
N-S vul
S Q 10 4 3 2
H A K 9 7
D 7
C K 5 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 HPass2 DPass1 SPass2 D
Pass2 SPass3 DPass2 HPass3 H
Pass3 NTAPPass4 HAP
East led the four of clubs. West won with the queen and played the nine. East won the trick and continued clubs, declarer winning with the king. Declarer led a low spade and East put up the ace. After cashing his remaining clubs East shifted to a low diamond and dummy’s ace was played. The rest of the tricks were won by declarer and the contract was defeated one trick.East led the ace of clubs. North’s king won the next trick. A low spade was led to dummy’s king and another spade back to the queen was won by East. Then East led a low diamond and dummy’s queen was played. The ace of diamonds was played, North discarding his last club. Declarer returned to his hand with the heart ace and ruffed a spade in dummy. Two more rounds of trumps were played and declarer claimed the balance making four.
S J 8 5
H 10 8 2
D J 9 4 2
C Q 9 6
Table S A 9 6
H Q 6 4
D K 3
C A 8 7 4 3
8AA97 =
43346 =
Par NS +620
S K 7
H J 5 3
D A Q 10 8 6 5
C J 10

Italy NS
3 NT N -1 -100
 -6 161

  America NS
  4 H N = +620
   +6 133

125. N deals
Both vul
S 10 9 2
H 2
D J 9 7 4
C K J 10 7 3
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 CDblPass1 NTDbl
PassPassPassPass1 DPassPass
South led the six of hearts. West won with the nine and led a low club, successfully finessing North’s king. Declarer played the king of diamonds and South won with the ace. A heart return was ruffed by North and the spade ten was led. Dummy’s king won. The diamond queen was cashed in dummy and a low diamond was ruffed by declarer. Declarer was able to take his ace and another club trick to fulfill his contract.East led the spade four; West won the king and returned a diamond to the king and ace. Dummy’s club was led; North finessed the jack, East won the queen and led back a diamond. West won the queen and continued diamonds. North won the jack, pulled West’s last trump and led the spade ten, covered by East. Declarer won the remaining spades but had to lose the rest; down one.

RP note: Crawford’s insufficient bid in diamonds, not clubs, fuels his legend as the master of shrewdness.
S K 7 3
H A 10 9 3
D Q 8 5 3
C 6 4
Table S Q 5 4
H K J 5
D K 2
C A Q 9 5 2
56456 =
87877 87887
Par NS -120
S A J 8 6
H Q 8 7 6 4
D A 10 6
C 8

Italy NS
1 C× E = -140
 +1 162

  America NS
  1 D× N -1 -200
   -1 133

126. E deals
None vul
S J 10 9
H A 5
D 10 6 5 4 3 2
C 10 6
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 CPass2 NT
Pass1 DPass2 NTPass3 NTAP
Pass3 NTAP
West led the heart nine. South won with the jack and established the diamond suit. After collecting his queen of diamonds, West knocked out declarer’s last heart stopper. Dummy’s remaining diamonds were cashed and the jack of spades led. The finesse lost and the defenders were able to cash the rest of the tricks defeating the contract two tricks.West led the four of clubs. East took the ace and returned the club seven. South ducked and West won the queen. South won the next lead with his king and cashed two rounds of diamonds. He then led the jack of diamonds which lost to West’s queen. Declarer claimed the balance making an overtrick.
S K 6
H 9 8 7 6
D Q 8 7
C Q 8 5 4
Table S 8 7 4 2
H Q 10 4 3 2
D 9
C A 9 7
895A7 895A8
33735 33835
Par NS +140
S A Q 5 3
C K J 3 2

Italy NS
3 NT S -2 -100
 -6 162

  America NS
  3 NT S +1 +430
   +6 139

127. S deals
N-S vul
H J 7 4 3 2
D 9 7 3 2
C 10 6
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
PassPassPass1 DPass1 SPass
2 SPass2 NTAP
South led the three of clubs. East won with the king and cashed two rounds of diamonds ending in dummy. West’s spade king was led and North took his ace. North played the three of hearts and South won with the king. South then cashed his two high clubs and declarer claimed the balance, making an overtrick.
S K Q 2
H Q 8
D K J 10 8 4
C J 7 2
Table S 10 8 6 5
H A 10 9
D A 6
C K 9 5 4
35645 =
97688 98698
Par NS -400
S 9 7 4 3
H K 6 5
D Q 5
C A Q 8 3

Italy NS
Passed out  0
 +3 165

  America NS
  2 NT E +1 -150
   -3 139

128. W deals
E-W vul
S A 3
H 10 9 8 7 5
D K Q 6 5
C 9 6
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 HPass1 S1 SPass2 HPass
Pass2 HPassPass3 CPass3 SPass
East led the three of diamonds. West took the trick with the ace and continued with the jack of diamonds. Declarer won with the queen and led the heart seven which East ducked. North won and played the heart five, East again ducked and dummy’s jack won. Dummy led a low diamond to North’s king and both defenders followed. Declarer then conceded two hearts, a spade, and two clubs to defenders, claiming down one.North led the ten of hearts. Dummy played low and South took the jack. South returned the diamond nine and declarer put in the jack which was captured by North’s queen. North then played the eight of hearts and dummy went up with the ace. Dummy led the spade king and North won with the ace. North led the heart nine and dummy played the queen. South’s king won this trick but declarer was able to claim the balance when South could not continue hearts. Contract was made.
S Q 10 6 5
H 2
D A J 10
C K Q 4 3 2
Table S K J 9
H A Q 4 3
D 7 4 3
C A 8 5
33662 =
AA67B 9A67B
Par NS -630
S 8 7 4 2
H K J 6
D 9 8 2
C J 10 7

Italy NS
2 H× N -1 -100
 +6 171

  America NS
  3 NT W = -600
   -6 139

Italy leads by 32 IMPs

Match AW58 MainTop 1958 Bermuda Bowl Final

Segment 8

129. N deals
None vul
S K 10 5 4
H K J 7 2
D Q 4
C K 7 6
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 CPass1 HPassPassPass
2 CAP1 CDblRdblPass
3 CPass3 DPass
3 SPass3 NTAP
North led the six of clubs. West’s queen won the trick and the spade queen was led. North covered with his king and east won the ace. The spade three was led to declarer’s jack and the six of spades was ruffed in dummy. Dummy led a small diamond to declarer’s ace and declarer then cashed the ace of clubs. West conceded the high club and two hearts making four.South led the nine of spades. West played the queen, North the king, and East won with the ace. Declarer then played the jack of clubs and put in the four from dummy. North refused this trick but captured the next one, taking dummy’s queen. North led the spade four which was taken by dummy’s jack. Declarer cashed his remaining clubs and the ace and king of diamonds conceding the rest to the defenders. The contract was made.
S Q J 6
H 9 8
D A 7
C A Q 9 8 4 3
Table S A 3
H Q 10 4 3
D K 10 5 3 2
C J 2
47653 47553
9677A =
Par NS -400
S 9 8 7 2
H A 6 5
D J 9 8 6
C 10 5

Italy NS
2 C W +2 -130
 +4 175

  America NS
  3 NT E = -400
   -4 139

130. E deals
N-S vul
H A K 8 6 3
D K J 10 9 7
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 CDbl3 C3 SPass1 HPass1 S
Pass4 CDblPassPass3 DPass4 D
PassRdblPass4 SPass4 NTPass5 D
Pass4 NTPass5 DPass6 DAP
Pass6 SAP
West led the jack of clubs. East won with the ace as North’s king dropped. East’s continuation of clubs forced dummy to ruff with the ace. Dummy then played the king of spades; crossed to declarer’s hand with a diamond. Declarer cashed two more rounds of trumps, and when the trumps broke, declarer was able to claim the balance, making six spades.East led the ace of clubs. East continued clubs and declarer ruffed low. North led two rounds of hearts and ruffed a third with the queen of diamonds. Dummy led a low spade to declarer’s ace and declarer then ruffed a fourth heart with the ace of diamonds, thus establishing his remaining heart. Declarer pulled the trump and claimed the balance, making six.
S 10 6 4
H 9 7 5 4
D 3 2
C J 10 5 2
Table S 9 5 2
D 8 6 5
C A Q 9 8 7
8CBC7 =
10216 =
Par NS +1300
S Q J 8 7 3
H 10 2
D A Q 4
C 6 4 3

Italy NS
6 S S = +1430
 +1 176

  America NS
  6 D N = +1370
   -1 139

131. S deals
E-W vul
S J 9 7
H A 9 5 4
D A 8 7 5 4
C 6
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass2 S
Pass1 DPass1 SPass4 SAP
PassPassDbl2 S
West led the two of diamonds. Dummy played the ace and led his singleton club. East went up with the ace and cashed two rounds of diamonds, West discarding two clubs. East then led a low heart and West’s queen was taken by North’s ace. Dummy led a low spade and lost the finesse to West’s king. West cashed the king of hearts but declarer easily took the remainder of the tricks making two spades doubled.West led the jack of clubs. East won the ace and switched to the king of diamonds which was taken by North’s ace. North led the spade nine and South played the ace. A low spade was led from declarer’s hand and West won with the king. West led the king of hearts and dummy played low. Hearts were continued and dummy played the ace. North cashed the spade jack and ruffed a heart to return to declarer’s hand. North then cashed the queen of spades and conceded his two remaining diamonds to the defenders. Contract defeated two tricks.
S K 10 4 2
H K Q 8
D 2
C J 10 9 8 7
Table S
H J 7 6 3
D K Q J 3
C A Q 5 4 2
58573 57573
8586A 7586A
Par NS -130
S A Q 8 6 5 3
H 10 2
D 10 9 6
C K 3

Italy NS
2 S× S = +470
 +6 182

  America NS
  4 S S -2 -100
   -6 139

132. W deals
Both vul
S K Q 10 4 2
H 6 2
D J 7 5
C A 7 4
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
PassPass2 D2 HPassPass1 D2 H
Pass3 SPass4 H (AP)Pass3 HPass4 H (AP)
West led the diamond nine. Declarer won with the queen and played the five of spades, putting in dummy’s ten. East won with the jack and led a low diamond. South played the ace and led the queen of hearts which was taken by West’s ace. West shifted to a low club and dummy ducked, East cashing the king. East returned his last club and South put in the nine. West’s ten of clubs forced dummy’s ace and after pulling trump, declarer had to concede another club to defenders. The contract was defeated one trick.West led the diamond nine. Declarer won the queen and led the spade five to the ten and East’s jack. East led the club king, and North won the ace. North then led the heart two, and South put in the queen, West winning his ace. West returned the spade six, dummy played the queen and South ruffed East’s ace. Declarer cashed three rounds of trumps and led the club jack. West won and led a low diamond; declarer won ace and conceded another club for down one.
S 9 7 6 3
H A 9 7
D 9 2
C Q 10 3 2
Table S A J 8
H 5 3
D K 10 8 6 4 3
C K 5
87958 =
46474 =
Par NS +140
S 5
H K Q J 10 8 4
C J 9 8 6

Italy NS
4 H S -1 -100
 Tie 182

  America NS
  4 H S -1 -100
   Tie 139

133. N deals
N-S vul
S A K 8 4 3
H 9 5
D 9 8 5 3
C 9 7
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 DDblPass1 DDbl
1 HDbl2 D2 S1 H1 S2 D4 S
Pass3 SPass4 S (AP)PassPass5 DPass
Pass5 SAP
West led the four of diamonds. East took the trick with his ace and switched to the ten of hearts. Declarer won with the ace and pulled three rounds of trumps. Five rounds of clubs were then played, dummy discarding his remaining heart and two diamonds. Declarer crossruffed the remaining hearts and the diamond.East led the ace of diamonds. On winning the first trick East shifted to the heart ten which was won by dummy’s ace. Declarer cashed three rounds of trumps and easily made the balance. Contract of five spades made with an overtrick.
S J 9 6
H K 8 6 4 3
D 4 2
C 10 6 3
Table S 7
H Q 10 7
D A K Q J 10 6
C J 8 5
7C75B =
21662 =
Par NS +1300
S Q 10 5 2
H A J 2
D 7
C A K Q 4 2

Italy NS
4 S S +2 +680
 Tie 182

  America NS
  5 S N +1 +680
   Tie 139

134. E deals
E-W vul
S 4 3 2
H Q J 2
D A J 7 4 3
C A 6
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass2 HPass1 H
Pass4 HAPPass2 DPass2 H
Pass4 HAP
West led the six of hearts. North won with the jack and led a low diamond. East played low and declarer correctly guessed the location of the queen. Declarer pulled trump, cashed four more diamond tricks, two club tricks and the remaining trumps. The contract was made with two overtricks.West led the heart six. Declarer won with the seven and cashed two more rounds of trumps. Declarer cashed the king of diamonds and led the ten which lost to East’s queen. East cashed the spade king and declarer claimed the rest. Contract was made with an overtrick.
S A J 7 6
H 10 8 6
D 9 6
C Q J 8 4
Table S K Q 10 9 5
H 4 3
D Q 5 2
C 9 7 2
86CC8 =
16014 =
Par NS +980
S 8
H A K 9 7 5
D K 10 8
C K 10 5 3

Italy NS
4 H S +2 +480
 +1 183

  America NS
  4 H S +1 +450
   -1 139

135. S deals
Both vul
S A 10 4 2
H 8 5 4 2
D J 8
C 10 9 4
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 D1 H
Pass1 HPass2 HPass1 SPass3 NT
Pass4 HAPPass4 HAP
East led the queen of clubs. Dummy took the trick with the ace and played two rounds of trumps. South then played the spade jack, West covering with his queen. North won with the ace and played the eight of diamonds. South took the trick with the ace and led the spade five, West capturing this trick with his king. Declarer gave up one diamond trick and claimed the balance making one overtrick.West led the diamond king. South won the ace, cashed the heart king, then led the diamond nine to West’s queen. West led the club six and South captured East’s jack with the ace. Declarer cashed the heart ace pulling the defenders’ remaining trumps, then led the diamond seven; West ducked and dummy pitched a low club. South led a low spade and West stepped up with the king which was won by dummy’s ace. Declarer conceded a trick to West’s queen of spades and claimed eleven tricks.
S K Q 8
H Q 6
D K Q 10 5 3
C 8 6 3
Table S 9 7 6 3
H 10 9
D 6 4 2
C Q J 5 2
AAB88 =
23254 =
Par NS +650
S J 5
H A K J 7 3
D A 9 7
C A K 7

Italy NS
4 H N +1 +650
 Tie 183

  America NS
  4 H S +1 +650
   Tie 139

136. W deals
None vul
S A K 5 2
H Q 10 3 2
D A 9 2
C 9 6
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 CDbl1 HDblPass1 DDbl1 S
Pass1 S2 S3 SPass2 SAP
Pass4 S5 CPass
North led the spade ace. East ruffed and cashed the ace and king of hearts. A third round of hearts was ruffed by West’s five. West crossruffed hearts and spades winning ten tricks. The contract was down one trick.West led the queen of clubs. West won and continued with the jack of clubs. East overtook West’s jack and switched to the ten of diamonds. South won with the king and cashed two rounds of trump. He then led the heart six putting in the ten from dummy. East won with the king and returned the five of diamonds. North’s nine won this trick and a low heart was played. East won with the ace dropping South’s jack. A low heart was led by East and South trumped with the seven, West discarding his last diamond. South pulled the remaining trump and claimed nine tricks. Contract made with an overtrick.
S 9 8 4 3
H 8 7
D 8 7 6
C Q J 10 5
Table S
H A K 9 5 4
D J 10 5 4
C A K 3 2
79654 =
54779 =
Par NS +100
S Q J 10 7 6
H J 6
D K Q 3
C 8 7 4

Italy NS
5 C× W -1 +100
 -1 183

  America NS
  2 S S +1 +140
   +1 140

137. N deals
E-W vul
S K Q 8 5 3
H J 4
D J 6 5
C K 10 7
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 SDbl1 NTPass1 HPass
PassPassPass1 SPass1 NTAP
West led the five of hearts. East won with the queen and switched to the diamond two. South stepped up with the ace and led a club to dummy’s king. East won this trick and led the diamond seven. South ducked and West won with the queen. Defenders cashed two more hearts and the spade ace and declarer won the balance. The contract was made.South led the club four to North’s king and East played low. North returned the club ten, ducked again, then East won the third round. East led the diamond deuce, South ducked, and the ten lost to North’s jack. North then led the heart jack, and East won the ace. Declarer led the spade deuce and put in dummy’s jack, North winning the queen. North played his last heart and declarer won with the king. A spade was led and when South showed out, West played the ace. Declarer cashed the heart queen and conceded the rest; down two.
S A J 9 6
H 5 3 2
D Q 10 9
C 9 8 3
Table S 7 4 2
H A K Q 6
D 8 7 2
C A 6 2
77777 =
66655 =
Par NS +90
S 10
H 10 9 8 7
D A K 4 3
C Q J 5 4

Italy NS
1 NT S = +90
 -2 183

  America NS
  1 NT E -2 +200
   +2 142

138. E deals
Both vul
S Q 8
H A K 10 6
D 9 8 5 3
C K 6 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 CPass1 D
Pass1 NTPass2 CPass1 HPass1 S
Pass3 NTAPPass2 NTPass3 NT (AP)
East led the heart queen. North won and played the queen of spades. West won with his ace and returned the nine. North finessed the ten and East won with the jack. East played his remaining heart which was won by North. Declarer successfully finessed the diamond queen and conceded the ace of diamonds. Contract made with one overtrick.East led the club three, dummy played low, and West’s nine which was won by the king. North then led the diamond eight, finessing East’s queen, and West ducked. Declarer led the spade eight to the king, won by the ace, then West led the heart two, and declarer won the ace. North led the diamond three to the queen, king and ace. West returned the heart five, won by the king, and declarer won the rest after successfully finessing East’s club queen. Contract made with two overtricks.
S A 9 2
H 9 7 5 2
D A 6 2
C 10 9 4
Table S 7 5 4 3
H Q J 3
D Q 4
C Q 8 7 3
22323 =
Par NS +630
S K J 10 6
H 8 4
D K J 10 7
C A J 5

Italy NS
3 NT N +1 +630
 -1 183

  America NS
  3 NT N +2 +660
   +1 143

139. S deals
None vul
S K 9 3
H J 8 6
D A J 8 4 2
C K 6
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 D2 CDblPass1 D2 CDbl
2 DAPRdblPass2 DAP
North led the king of clubs. West ruffed and played a low heart to East’s king. Dummy led a small club and declarer ruffed. Declarer played a small heart to the queen. Dummy led a heart back to the ace. Declarer gave up the remaining tricks with the exception of the king and queen of diamonds. The contract was defeated one trick.South led the five of diamonds. North won with the ace and returned a low diamond. Declarer took the king and led a low club, which was ruffed by dummy. West played a low heart to East’s king. East then cashed the queen of trump, the queen of hearts, and crossed over to dummy’s ace of hearts. Declarer lost the remainder going down two tricks.
S Q 10 8 7 6 4
H A 4 3 2
D 10 9 6
Table S 2
H K Q 5
D K Q 7
C Q 8 5 4 3 2
74667 =
68766 =
Par NS -100
S A J 5
H 10 9 7
D 5 3
C A J 10 9 7

Italy NS
2 D W -1 +50
 -1 183

  America NS
  2 D E -2 +100
   +1 144

140. W deals
N-S vul
S A K 7 2
H Q 10 5
D J 8 2
C A K 5
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 DDblRdbl2 CPass1 NTPass3 H
Pass2 DPass2 H (AP)Pass4 HAP
West led a low diamond. East won with the ace and continued with the diamond three. West won this trick with the king and played another diamond. Dummy won with the jack. Dummy then played the heart queen which held. North led a low heart and East won with the ace. Declarer claimed the balance making two overtricks.West led the club ten. North won with the ace and played the king, South discarding a low diamond. North then played his last club and South ruffed low. Declarer played a low heart to dummy’s queen and East won. East continued hearts and South won with the king. Declarer led the diamond nine and successfully finessed West’s ten. Declarer conceded another diamond trick making contract.
S 10 9 5
H J 6
D K 10 7 6
C 10 9 8 3
Table S Q 8 6
H A 8
D A 5 3
C Q 7 6 4 2
99A66 =
44357 =
Par NS +620
S J 4 3
H K 9 7 4 3 2
D Q 9 4

Italy NS
2 H S +2 +170
 -5 183

  America NS
  4 H S = +620
   +5 149

141. N deals
Both vul
S J 7 5
H K Q 10 7
D K 4 3 2
C K 4
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 CPass2 CPassPass1 C
Pass2 HAPPass1 DPassPass
DblRdbl1 SPass
2 SPassPass3 C (AP)
East led the queen of diamonds. Declarer won with the king and led a low spade. West took the ten and returned the five of hearts, won by declarer’s king. North then led the jack of spades, won by West’s queen. West played ace and another trump. Declarer won, cashed the king and ace of clubs and led the club jack, discarding his last spade. East won this trick and declarer claimed the balance, making an overtrick.West led the ace of spades. He then switched to the diamond nine. Dummy played low, East put in the jack and South won with the ace. South made dummy’s club king, then success fully finessed the club jack. Declarer cashed the ace of trumps, West discarding a spade. South forced out the ace of hearts, West cashed the spade queen and led another diamond. Dummy’s king dropped East’s queen and declarer conceded the high trump, making his contract.
S A Q 10 3
H A 9 5
D 9 8 7 5
C 5 3
Table S K 9 8 2
H 8 4 2
C Q 9 7 2
8698A =
57353 =
Par NS +140
S 6 4
H J 6 3
D A 10 6
C A J 10 8 6

Italy NS
2 H N +1 +140
 +1 184

  America NS
  3 C S = +110
   -1 149

142. E deals
None vul
S A 7 4 2
H Q J 9 4
C 10 5 3
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 D1 NTPass1 NT
2 C3 CPass3 SPass2 CPass2 S
Pass4 SAPPass4 SAP
West led the spade five. Declarer won with the king and played two more rounds of trump. Four rounds of hearts were cashed, South discarding the club six. Declarer gave up the ace and king of diamonds and the club ace and claimed the balance, making his contract.West led the three of diamonds. East won with the king and shifted to the club seven, South’s king falling to West’s ace. West then cashed his ace of diamonds and followed with his last diamond. Dummy discarded a club and declarer won with the diamond ten. South drew three rounds of trumps and claimed the balance, making contract.
S 5 3
H 8 6 5 3
D A 5 3
C A J 9 4
Table S J 10 6
H 10 2
D K 9 7 4 2
C 8 7 2
9A967 9AA67
43365 =
Par NS +420
S K Q 9 8
H A K 7
D 10 8 6
C K Q 6

Italy NS
4 S S = +420
 Tie 184

  America NS
  4 S S = +420
   Tie 149

143. S deals
N-S vul
S K 9 6 4
H 9
D K 10 9 5
C Q J 10 6
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 C1 C
Pass1 S2 H2 SPass1 S2 H2 S
Pass3 SPass4 S (AP)Pass3 SPass4 S (AP)
East led the king of hearts. He shifted to his singleton diamond and dummy won with the ace. Dummy then led the spade ace and followed with the spade jack, East winning the queen. East’s attempt to cash the ace of hearts failed when declarer ruffed with a low spade. North pulled the remaining trump with his king and led the club queen, finessing East’s king. Declarer claimed the balance making an overtrick.East led the heart king. He followed with the three of diamonds and South won with the ace. Dummy cashed the ace of spades and led the ten, losing to East’s queen. East then played the club three and dummy put in the ace. Dummy then cashed the jack of spades and conceded a trick to the king of clubs making four spades.
RP note: Faulty auction (or declarer) in book fixed per best guess.
S 5 2
H Q 6 2
D J 8 6 4 2
C 9 4 2
Table S Q 8 3
H A K J 8 5 4 3
D 3
C K 3
6C5AC =
11831 =
Par NS +900
S A J 10 7
H 10 7
D A Q 7
C A 8 7 5

Italy NS
4 S N +1 +650
 +1 185

  America NS
  4 S N = +620
   -1 149

144. W deals
E-W vul
S A 2
H 4 2
D A K 9 6
C Q J 6 5 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 DPass2 NTPass1 DPass2 S
Pass3 CPass3 DPass3 CPass3 NT (AP)
Pass4 CPass5 C
Pass6 DAP
East led the club eight. West won the ace and returned a club which East ruffed to set the contract one trick.West led the club three. South won the king and led a club, West ducking, dummy’s queen winning the trick. Declarer cashed four spades, four diamonds and the heart ace, making five-odd.
S 8 7 3
H K 7 6
D 7 3
C A 10 9 7 3
Table S 10 6 5 4
H J 10 8 5 3
D J 10 5
C 8
11412 =
Par NS +990
S K Q J 9
H A Q 9
D Q 8 4 2
C K 4

Italy NS
6 D N -1 -50
 -6 185

  America NS
  3 NT S +2 +460
   +6 155

145. N deals
None vul
S 8 2
H 10 9 3
D A 8 6 4 2
C A Q 4
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
PassPass3 SPassPass1 S
Pass4 SAPPass2 DPass2 S (AP)
West led the diamond king. Declarer won in dummy with the ace and cashed two high spades. He then successfully finessed the club and conceded a spade and two hearts to make his contract.West led the diamond jack. Dummy’s ace won and declarer cashed two high spades. Defenders eventually took two hearts and a spade, declarer making four-odd.
S 5
H 8 6 2
D K Q J 10
C K 9 8 5 2
Table S Q 7 6
H A K J 5 4
D 9 5 3
C 7 6
8B566 =
22767 =
Par NS +450
S A K J 10 9 4 3
H Q 7
D 7
C J 10 3

Italy NS
4 S S = +420
 +4 189

  America NS
  2 S S +2 +170
   -4 155

146. E deals
N-S vul
S Q J 3
H 10 9 5
D 6 4
C K J 10 8 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 CPass2 NT
Pass1 DPass2 NTPass3 NTAP
Pass3 NTAP
West led the diamond three. Declarer won the third round, cashed five clubs and three hearts. A spade was lead and the defenders took the balance, but South had made his contract.West led the diamond five. Declarer took the third round, won five clubs and three hearts and led a spade. East won the ace and cashed a diamond, holding South to his contract.
S 6 2
H 8 4 3 2
D 8 7 5 3
C 9 7 4
Table S A 10 5 4
H J 7 6
D K Q J 9
C 6 5
9AA8B =
11351 =
Par NS +620
S K 9 8 7
D A 10 2
C A Q 3

Italy NS
3 NT S = +600
 Tie 189

  America NS
  3 NT S = +600
   Tie 155

147. S deals
E-W vul
S K J 10 7 4
H 6 4 3
D K 7 5
C K 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass3 C
1 H1 S2 DPassDbl4 C5 DPass
2 HPass3 DPass5 HPass6 DAP
3 HPass4 HAP
North led the spade jack. South ruffed and led the club queen, dummy’s ace winning. Declarer took the heart ace in dummy, ruffed a diamond and drew the outstanding trumps. Declarer still had to lose two spades and a club for down one.South led the club queen. North played the king and East won the ace, cashed the heart ace and led a spade. South ruffed, cashed a high club and led a club which North ruffed. A spade was ruffed by South and declarer lost the two high diamonds for down five.
S A Q 9 8 3
H K Q J 10 9 8
C 6 5
Table S 6 5 2
D Q J 10 8 6 3
C A 4 3
53367 53467
8A976 =
Par NS -620
H 7 5 2
D A 9 4 2
C Q J 10 9 8 7

Italy NS
4 H W -1 +100
 -5 189

  America NS
  6 D E -5 +500
   +5 160

148. W deals
Both vul
S J 6 5 4
H A K 9 6
D K 5
C 10 7 3
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 CDbl2 C3 H1 SPassPass2 H
4 C4 H5 C5 H (AP)Pass3 HPass4 H (AP)
West led the club king. The diamond queen was then taken by dummy’s king and two high trump were drawn. Declarer then cross-ruffed the hand making eleven tricks for his contract.West led the club queen. The club king was then led, ruffed by declarer, and two hearts drawn. The hand was cross-ruffed by declarer, making five-odd.
S Q 10 9 7 3
H Q 5
C A K Q 8 6
Table S K 8 2
H 8
D J 10 9 8 6
C J 9 5 4
84B93 =
49249 =
Par NS +500
H J 10 7 4 3 2
D A 7 4 3 2
C 2

Italy NS
5 H S = +650
 Tie 189

  America NS
  4 H S +1 +650
   Tie 160

Italy leads by 29 IMPs

Match AW58 MainTop 1958 Bermuda Bowl Final

Segment 9

149. N deals
N-S vul
H 8 4
D K Q 8 6 4
C 8 7 6 3
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 DPass1 S1 DPass1 S
Pass2 CPassPassPass2 DAP
2 HPassPass3 C (AP)
East led the heart deuce. West won the king, cashed the ace and continued a heart which North ruffed. A club to the ten was taken by West’s ace and a spade return was won by North. Declarer cashed the spade king and led the diamond queen, East winning the ace. East was to get one more club to set the contract.East led the club deuce. West won the ace, led the heart king and cashed the heart ace. Declarer had to lose two diamonds and a club ruff and was down one.
S J 10 6 4 3
H A K J 10
D J 7 2
Table S 7 5
H Q 6 3 2
D A 10 3
C Q 9 4 2
65468 =
68965 =
Par NS -140
S Q 9 8 2
H 9 7 5
D 9 5
C K J 10 5

Italy NS
3 C N -1 -100
 Tie 189

  America NS
  2 D N -1 -100
   Tie 160

150. E deals
E-W vul
S 10 3
H 10 4 3 2
D J 8 5 4
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 C1 S1 C1 S
1 NTPass2 NTPass
North led the spade ten. South ducked and West won the jack. A heart to dummy’s queen was taken by South and a club won in dummy with the ace. Declarer played a spade from dummy, South winning the ace and returning a club to North’s queen. A heart return was taken in dummy and a heart won by declarer. Declarer cashed four diamonds to make his contract.West led the club eight. North’s king held and a heart lead was won by East’s ace. A spade was ducked by declarer and taken by West’s jack. Declarer lost two more spades, a diamond, a heart and a club for down two.
S K J 9 8
H J 7 6
D Q 9 6 2
C 8 4
Table S 5 4
H A Q 8
D A K 10 3
C A 10 5 2
45534 =
988A8 =
Par NS -600
S A Q 7 6 2
H K 9 5
D 7
C 9 7 6 3

Italy NS
3 NT W = -600
 -4 189

  America NS
  1 S× S -2 -300
   +4 164

151. S deals
Both vul
S 9 8
H A Q J 7 3
D K 8 6
C A Q 8
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 HPass2 NTPass1 HPass2 NT
Pass3 NTAPPass3 HPass3 NT (AP)
West led the spade three. East won the ace and returned a spade. South won and led diamonds, West taking his ace on the third round. A spade was taken by declarer and two diamonds cashed. Declarer took three clubs and the heart ace, making four-odd.West led the spade three. East won the ace and returned a spade. South won, conceded the diamond ace to West and when the heart finesse won declarer claimed eleven tricks, making five-odd.
S 7 5 4 3
H K 6 5 2
D A 3 2
C 10 3
Table S A J 6 2
H 10 8
D 10 7
C J 9 7 5 2
B9AB9 =
24324 24224
Par NS +660
S K Q 10
H 9 4
D Q J 9 5 4
C K 6 4

Italy NS
3 NT S +1 +630
 -1 189

  America NS
  3 NT S +2 +660
   +1 165

152. W deals
None vul
S 7 3
H J 6 5 4 3 2
D Q 2
C A K 8
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 C1 H1 SPass1 NT2 H3 CPass
North led the heart deuce. Declarer cashed the king in dummy and played a club, North winning the king. A heart to South’s queen was permitted to hold and a spade return was taken by West’s ace. A club was led, North winning the ace and a spade return was won by South’s king. Declarer now claimed the balance, making three odd.North led the heart four. South’s queen was permitted to hold and a heart continuation was taken in dummy. A club was led, North winning and declarer’s last heart knocked out. On a club continuation North won and cashed his remaining hearts, setting the contract two tricks.
H A 8 7
D A 10 6
C J 7 6 5 3
Table S J 8 5 2
H K 9
D K 5 4 3
C Q 10 2
45653 =
9778A =
Par NS -400
S K 10 9 6 4
H Q 10
D J 9 8 7
C 9 4

Italy NS
1 NT W +2 -150
 -4 189

  America NS
  3 NT W -2 +100
   +4 169

153. N deals
E-W vul
S J 8 6
H A 9 6 2
D Q 10 7 2
C J 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
PassPass3 HPassPass2 H
3 S4 H4 SAP2 S4 H4 S5 H
PassPass5 SAP
North led the heart ace. A diamond shift was won by South and declarer claimed the balance, making five-odd.North led the heart nine. South won and cashed the diamond ace. Declarer won a diamond continuation, drew trumps and claimed the balance, making five-odd.
S A Q 7 5 4 2
H J 4
D K 9
C K 6 4
Table S K 9 3
H 8
D J 6 5 3
C A Q 10 9 5
21961 =
6B47B =
Par NS -500
S 10
H K Q 10 7 5 3
D A 8 4
C 8 7 3

Italy NS
4 S W +1 -650
 Tie 189

  America NS
  5 S W = -650
   Tie 169

154. E deals
Both vul
S Q 10 7 6 3 2
H 8 5 2
D K 8 5
C 8
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 CPass1 CPass
1 HPass3 HPass2 DPass2 NTPass
4 CPass4 DPass3 CPass3 HPass
4 SPass4 NTPass4 HPass5 CPass
5 HPass5 SPass5 SPass6 NTAP
North led the heart deuce. South’s jack was won by declarer’s ace, and the diamond queen finessed in dummy. Declarer now drew trumps and spread his hand, claiming the balance.South led the diamond jack. Declarer won the queen and played two rounds of hearts. When the suit broke and the spade finesse worked, he spread his hand, claiming thirteen tricks.
S A 5 4
H A Q 4 3
D 6 3 2
C K Q 5
Table S K J 9
H K 10 9 7
C A J 6 2
03031 =
Par NS -2220
S 8
H J 6
D J 10 9 7 4
C 10 9 7 4 3

Italy NS
6 H W +1 -1460
 Tie 189

  America NS
  6 NT E +1 -1470
   Tie 169

155. S deals
None vul
S K 10 8
H A 10 7 2
D 8 7 3
C 8 5 4
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 C
1 HPass2 DPassDbl1 NTDbl2 C
2 HPass3 CPassPassPass3 NTAP
3 SPass4 HPass
5 HPass6 HAP
North led the spade eight. Declarer won the ace and led a heart to dummy’s king, which held. A heart to West’s queen was taken by North. Defenders took a spade and were to get the heart ten for a two trick set.South led the club three. Declarer won and played the heart king, North winning the ace. Declarer could now claim five diamonds, two hearts, two clubs and a spade, making five-odd.
S A 9 6 2
H Q J 8 5 4
D K 9
C K 9
Table S 5 3
H K 9 6
D A Q J 10 2
C A J 10
14115 =
A8BB8 =
Par NS -450
S Q J 7 4
H 3
D 6 5 4
C Q 7 6 3 2

Italy NS
6 H W -2 +100
 +6 195

  America NS
  3 NT E +2 -460
   -6 169

156. W deals
N-S vul
S 6 4 3
H A 9
D A 7 4 2
C Q 8 7 4
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
PassPass1 S2 SPassPassPass2 C
Pass3 CPass3 NT (AP)Pass2 NTPass3 NT
Pass6 NTAP
West led the spade queen. Declarer won the ace, cashed two high diamonds and led a low spade, West winning the jack. A spade return was won by South and two high clubs cashed. Declarer cashed the thirteenth spade, led a heart to dummy’s ace and cashed the club queen, discarding a heart and squeezing West. South took a total of twelve tricks, making six odd.East led the spade seven. Dummy’s ace won and a spade return was taken by West’s jack. West played the diamond eight and dummy’s king won. Declarer now cashed two diamonds, the ace and king of clubs and two high spades. The play of the last four tricks was not recorded, but the result shows that the contract was defeated one trick.
S Q J 2
H Q 8 5 4 3
D J 10 9 8
C 9
Table S 10 7 5
H 10 2
D 5 3
C J 10 6 5 3 2
11323 =
Par NS +1440
S A K 9 8
H K J 7 6
D K Q 6

Italy NS
3 NT S +3 +690
 +7 202

  America NS
  6 NT N -1 -100
   -7 169

157. N deals
Both vul
S 8 7 2
H K Q 10
D A 5 4
C 10 9 7 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
PassPass1 SPassPass3 S
Pass1 NTPass2 SPassPassPass
Pass3 SAP
West led the club king. East played the queen and a club continuation was won by East’s jack. A diamond shift was won in dummy and trumps were drawn. Defenders took a heart and a diamond, declarer claiming the rest.West led the club ace. This held and a diamond shift was won by dummy’s ace. Declarer played four rounds of spades and led a heart to the queen, East taking the ace. Defenders now cashed a diamond and a club and declarer claimed the balance, making his contract.
S 6 3
H J 6 4
D K 3 2
C A K 5 4 3
Table S 5
H A 8 7 5 3
D Q 10 9 7 6
89445 =
43998 =
Par NS +140
S A K Q J 10 9 4
H 9 2
D J 8
C 8 6

Italy NS
3 S S = +140
 Tie 202

  America NS
  3 S S = +140
   Tie 169

158. E deals
None vul
S 10 7 5 4
H 10 6 4
C J 10 7 5 4 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
2 CPass1 C1 S
2 DPass3 DPass2 C3 S3 NTAP
3 HPass4 HPass
5 HPass6 HAP
North led the spade seven. Dummy’s ace won and two high trumps were drawn in dummy. The diamond ace was played, North ruffing, and a club lead was taken by South to defeat the contract.South led the spade king. Declarer won the ace, cashed three diamonds and five hearts, making his contract.
S 9 8 6
H A 9 8 7 5
D 10 8
C Q 8 6
Table S A
H K Q 3
D A K Q 9 4 3 2
C K 3
28128 =
94BB5 95AB5
Par NS -450
S K Q J 3 2
H J 2
D J 7 6 5
C A 9

Italy NS
6 H W -1 +50
 +5 207

  America NS
  3 NT E = -400
   -5 169

159. S deals
N-S vul
S A Q 10 6 4 2
H Q 4
D 10
C Q 8 4 3
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 C1 NT
Pass1 SPass2 CPass4 SAP
Pass3 SPass4 S (AP)
East led the diamond king. A heart shift was taken by dummy’s ace and trumps were drawn. Declarer lost a club and a heart, taking the balance to make his contract.East led the club five. West ruffed and cashed the diamond ace. A diamond continuation was ruffed by declarer who drew trumps and claimed the balance, making five-odd.
S 9 8 5 3
H J 10 9 8 2
D A J 8 4
Table S 7
H K 6 5
D K Q 7 6 2
C J 10 9 5
8A43A =
329A2 =
Par NS +100
H A 7 3
D 9 5 3
C A K 7 6 2

Italy NS
4 S N = +620
 -1 207

  America NS
  4 S N +1 +650
   +1 170

160. W deals
E-W vul
S A K 10 9
H A 10 9 3
D J 4
C K Q 4
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 CPass1 HPass1 NTPass2 C
Pass3 HPass4 DPass2 SPass3 H
Pass4 SPass4 NTPass4 HPass5 D
Pass5 HPass6 H (AP)Pass6 HAP
West led the club deuce. Declarer ruffed East’s ace, led a heart to the ace in dummy and conceded down one.West led the diamond six. Declarer won the ace but had to lose a heart and a diamond for down one.
S Q 7 3 2
D 6 5
C J 10 7 3 2
Table S 6 5 4
H 6
D K Q 8 7
C A 9 8 6 5
33236 =
Par NS +450
S J 8
H Q 8 7 5 4 2
D A 10 9 3 2

Italy NS
6 H S -1 -50
 Tie 207

  America NS
  6 H S -1 -50
   Tie 170

161. N deals
None vul
S A 8 6 5 2
H J 9 8 2
D K 6
C K 2
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 SPass1 NTPass1 SPass
Pass2 HAP2 DPass2 SPass
2 NTPass3 NTAP
East led the six of hearts. West ducked, and declarer’s jack won. North cashed the ace of spades, ruffed a spade in dummy, and led the ten of clubs. East took the club ace, the heart ace and three high spades. Declarer made the long heart, the king of clubs, and the king of diamonds, and went down two tricks.North led the deuce of hearts. Declarer took South’s heart queen with his king, and led two rounds of spades. North won the second spade and returned the jack of hearts, which was won in dummy. Declarer cashed three spades and took a diamond finesse. North took the king of diamonds and led the king of clubs, and declarer claimed the balance for one trick over his contract.
S 9 7
H K 10 5
D A Q 10 8 5
C Q 8 7
Table S K Q J 10 4
H A 7 6
D 7 2
C A 6 4
22535 22545
AA897 99887
Par NS -430
S 3
H Q 4 3
D J 9 4 3
C J 10 9 5 3

Italy NS
2 H N -2 -100
 +4 211

  America NS
  3 NT W +1 -430
   -4 170

162. E deals
N-S vul
S 10 7 5
H 8 3
D Q 8 6 3
C 10 8 6 4
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
Pass1 HPass1 H
1 SPass2 SPass1 SPass3 SAP
3 SPass4 SAP
North led the eight of hearts. South took the heart king and shifted to a diamond. Declarer won, played the ace of spades, and crossed to dummy’s club king. When the queen of clubs dropped, West drew trumps, conceded a heart trick, and claimed the balance for five odd.North led the eight of hearts. South took the ace and king of hearts, and played the queen of clubs. East-West made the rest of the tricks for two over their contract.
S A K J 3
H Q 9 6 2
C 7 5 3 2
Table S 9 8 6 2
H J 10
D J 10 4
C A K J 9
42682 =
9A65B =
Par NS -420
S Q 4
H A K 7 5 4
D K 9 7 5 2

Italy NS
4 S W +1 -450
 -4 211

  America NS
  3 S W +2 -200
   +4 174

163. S deals
E-W vul
S Q J 6
H K J 10
D A 7 2
C 9 8 7 4
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 NT1 NT
Pass2 CPass2 DPass3 NTAP
Pass3 NTAP
West led the seven of spades. Dummy’s spade queen won and the jack of hearts was led and taken by East. East returned a spade; South won, crossed to dummy’s ace of diamonds and finessed the jack of diamonds. West took the diamond queen and three spade tricks. North-South could make only one club, two diamonds, two hearts and two spades in all, and were down two.West led the nine of spades. Dummy’s spade queen won, and a club was led. South’s club ten fell to West’s jack, and declarer won the spade return. South led to dummy’s diamond ace, played another club, and went up with his ace. A heart lead put East in, and the defenders cashed three spades and the king of clubs. North-South went down two.
S K 9 8 7 3
H 7 3
D Q 5
C K J 5 3
Table S 5 4 2
H A 9 6 5 4
D 10 9 6 4
C 2
87888 97889
45544 =
Par NS +400
S A 10
H Q 8 2
D K J 8 3
C A Q 10 6

Italy NS
3 NT S -2 -100
 Tie 211

  America NS
  3 NT S -2 -100
   Tie 174

164. W deals
Both vul
S 9 7 6 2
H J 7 5
D K 10 9 2
C 9 3
WestNorthEastSouth WestNorthEastSouth
1 SPass1 NT2 H1 SPassPassDbl
PassPass2 SAPPass3 DPass3 H (AP)
North led the jack of hearts. South cashed two hearts and shifted to a diamond. West ducked, and North’s diamond king won. The diamond return was taken in dummy, and the queen of spades was led. West lost another trick to North’s nine of spades, and made one over his contract.West led the deuce of hearts. South won with the heart ten and led a club. Declarer was able to set up the king of clubs when the club ace dropped on the third lead. He also made the king of diamonds and five heart tricks, and went down two.
S A J 10 5
H 9 3 2
D A J 7
C A J 2
Table S Q 8 4 3
H 8 6
D Q 5 4
C Q 10 6 4
53754 =
89578 =
Par NS -140
H A K Q 10 4
D 8 6 3
C K 8 7 5

Italy NS
2 S W +1 -140
 +1 212

  America NS
  3 H S -2 -200
   -1 174

Italy wins by 38 IMPs

Match AW58 MainTop 1958 Bermuda Bowl Final

Public domain data prepared by Richard Pavlicek
Play descriptions © 1958 American Contract Bridge League