Article 7K28 Main

Retaining Control

 by Richard Pavlicek

I was East on this deal from an online IMP pair event. Our opponents bid accurately to 4 H as my partner and I displayed great skill in passing. Note opener’s third-round heart raise to show three-card support, an important concept in sound bidding.

North dealsS J 10 5 2WestNorthEastSouth
None vulH A Q 51 DPass1 H
D K Q 10 2Pass1 SPass3 D
C 4 2Pass3 HPass4 H
S Q 6 4TableS 9 8 7PassPassPass
H KH J 9 6 4
D J 9 8 7D 6
C K Q 9 8 5C A J 10 7 6
S A K 3
H 10 8 7 3 2
D A 5 4 3
4 H SouthC 3

My partner led the C K and continued the suit. South ruffed and led a low heart intending to finesse, but the appearance of the king changed that. After winning the H A, declarer paused to consider: If he won the H Q and continued hearts, I would be able to tap him out with club leads. Eventually he decided to leave hearts alone and lead diamonds, letting me ruff the second round. I exited with a spade, and declarer eventually had to rely on the spade finesse — down one.

Declarer had a blind spot here, and missed an almost surefire way to succeed. After winning the H A he should lead a low heart toward his hand (keeping the queen in dummy) and I would take the jack. A spade or a diamond return allows him to draw trumps and claim, so I would lead another club. Now declarer can retain trump control by discarding a spade and ruffing with the H Q. I still get another trump trick, but South makes the contract.

Article 7K28 MainTop Retaining Control

© 1998 Richard Pavlicek