Quiz 7J14   Main

Free Finesses

  by Richard Pavlicek

Happiness is getting a “free finesse” on the opening lead. Or is it?
How would you play to make each of these contracts? (Do not be concerned about overtricks.)

Total Points
None Vul
S J 10 2
H K 2
D K 10 9 8 6 4
C 4 3


3 NT

All Pass
2 NT
Lead: S 6TableEast plays S 5

3 NT South
S A K 9 4
H Q J 4
C A K 6 2

What a lucky lead! A free finesse into your waiting jaws. Yet, if you accept that finesse, you will be defeated. You must preserve a sure entry to dummy’s long diamonds.

Play the S 2 from dummy and win the king. Lead the D Q which holds, then the D J and overtake with the king to continue diamonds until the ace is taken. Assuming a club return (best), win the king and lead the H Q which must hold (else the H K is an entry). Next lead a low spade to concede a trick to the S Q and create an entry to dummy.

West held: S Q-8-7-6-3 H 10-8-3 D 7-2 C Q-7-5

Quiz 7J14   MainTop   Free Finesses

Total Points
None Vul
S A J 10 9
H J 4
D 8
C A J 10 5 4 3

All Pass
1 C
2 S
1 S
4 S
Lead: C 9TableI got the C Q!

4 S South
S K Q 8 7 6
H 7 6
D K 7 6 4
C K 2
East will not play C Q at trick one.
East has a singleton spade.

How sweet! The lead gives you a free finesse for the C Q simply by playing the 10 (or jack). Beware! That lead has “singleton” written all over it. If you cover in dummy, East will play low and the club suit will be blocked, leaving you no way to succeed. Try it and you will see.

The solution is to play low from dummy and win the king. Draw trumps in three rounds, then lead a club to the ace. When West shows out you have a guaranteed ruffing finesse, and the club suit is easily established.

West held: S 5-4-3 H K-10-9-3-2 D A-J-9-3 C 9

Quiz 7J14   MainTop   Free Finesses

Total Points
None Vul
S A K Q 5 2
H K 3
D 3 2
C A K 6 3


1 S
2 C
6 NT

All Pass
1 D
1 NT
2 D
Lead: H 10Table

6 NT South
S 4 3
H A J 5
D A Q J 10 9
C J 4 2
Either opponent could have H Q.

Again you are blessed with a free finesse but must refuse it, this time to preserve a key entry to your hand. If you accept the finesse, East will play the queen; then when you work on diamonds, West will hold up his king and your hand will be dead. Don’t accept the Trojan horse!

Win the H K and take a diamond finesse which wins (West is tricky). Cross to dummy with a spade and repeat the diamond finesse, which loses. Now you have three chances to succeed — C Q falling, spades 3-3 or the heart finesse.

West held: S J-9-8-7 H 10-9-8-4 D K-7-4 C 10-7

Quiz 7J14   MainTop   Free Finesses

© 1999 Richard Pavlicek